Our Rival (one-shot/AU)

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"Class!" the teacher called, tapping her ruler against the desk to get everyone's attention. "We have a new student that will be joining us!" A dirty blonde walked into the room, smiling brightly and fidgeting with his red blazer. "Introduce yourself."

"Uh, hi everyone!" he exclaimed, waving nervously. "My name's Grian MC and I'm happy to a part of this class!"

"Your seat will be next to Wels. Wels please raise your hand." The light haired blonde raised his hand from the middle of the classroom, smiling slightly at Grian. Grian nodded and rushed to take his seat, scrambling to try and quietly take out his stuff.

"Nice to meet you Grian," Wels said, reaching out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Wels, as you probably heard."

"N-nice to meet you too," Grian nervously replied, shaking his hand.

"Alright everyone," the teacher's voice said. "Take out your math notebooks and copy down what's on the board."

Grian started to write down the equation on the board, but most of it was flying over his head. "Need some help?" a boy with messy, darker blonde hair asked, grinning with sharp fangs. Grian nodded and the boy started quietly helping him, pointing out how to find the y intercept by dividing then subtracting.

The bell suddenly echoed through the room and people began getting up, gathering their stuff into their bags. "Hey Grian!" He turned to see a brunette with a dark gray blazer smiling at him. "Uh, hi?"

"My name's Impulse!" the other greeted, shaking his hand. "I've been told to show you around! We have a break period right now, so let's go!" Grian nodded and nervously followed after Impulse.

He started showing Grian around the school, pointing out clubs and their leaders, and people just wandering through the halls. A blonde with a brown blazer suddenly ran up and tackled Impulse into a hug, smiling brightly. "Impy!" he exclaimed. "What're you doing wandering around the halls?"

"Oh hey Zed!" Impulse chuckled, hugging the shorter back. "I was just showing Grian here around the school."

Zed turned to Grian and his face twisted into a wryly smile. "Well hello Grian," he said, reaching out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Zed. It's very nice to meet you."

"It's um, nice to you meet too," Grian replied, feeling slightly uncomfortable under Zed's wide smile. Zed nodded with a menacing stare and quickly left, waving goodbye to Impulse.

While they continued on the tour, Grian tried to make some small talk with Impulse. "So uh, how long have you known Zed?" he asked awkwardly.

"A few years now. I've been boyfriends with him and Tango for about a year."

"Oh, a poly relationship?"

"Yup! It's worked out pretty well!"

(mkay im just going to go over some notes for this yandere AU because this is getting boring lmao)

-Zed, Python, and Joe are the yanderes with their respective senpais

-if any of these notes sounds like they're actions from a game it's because i've been watching Yandere Dev's videos lol

-Zed's storyline is that he kills Iskall then Cub (who runs the newspaper club with Scar) catches him in the act and takes a photo; Zed and Cub have an agreement where Cub gets him private info on Grian and Zed helps him get tea

-Joe's storyline is that he works with Cleo and the girls to spread rumors about Grian; he also works with Scar to get private info on Grian to try and get him bullied; the girls aren't aware of Joe's true plot but they're happy to spread around the gossip

-Python's storyline involves him sabotaging Grian and trying to get him expelled or arrested; some of his plots include stealing Grian's phone to take panty shots or murdering someone and leaving a murder weapon behind with Grian's fingerprints

-okay yeah i'm treating this like it's a game now lmao whoops

-Mumbo and Iskall's roles in the story are Grian's best friends who both eventually get eliminated in some way (whether it's death, expulsion, kidnapping, they get gone); Joe will only use the expulsion method, and Zed and Python will use any method that seems appropriate at the time

-maybe there's clubs but idk (maybe a nature or gardening club for all the hybrids??)

-Xisuma is the top student at Inja-Kurafuto High (hermitcraft in japanese) and is leader of the school council, along with Doc, Ren, and Mumbo; he works as Grian's tutor to catch him up on school work since Grian joined in the middle of the year

gosh i want to expand on this idea because it sounds like a hella fun game-

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