A Very "Kind" Kidnapping (one-shot)

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yes i know i wasn't given rights to Keralis angst and only Doc gore, but i couldn't think of anything good gore scenes for Doc alright??

(warning: small blood description)


"Gah!" the yelp ripped itself from his parched throat as he fell onto soft grass. His eyes watered as bright sunlight entered them and he weakly sat himself up, limbs even trembling from the small amount of effort. Everything was green tinted from having just been in the nether and his vision were bleary so the most of his surroundings he could make out was the grass, the sun, and a blurry gray blob in the distant.

A smaller green and white blob suddenly slipped out of the gray blob and started growing bigger, the blob becoming more clear as his vision slowly fixed itself. It was a person with green skin, part of it metallic, and a white lab coat. Wait, was that...

"Doc!" The moment the word fell from his mouth, pain shot through him as a shimmering trident struck the ground beside him, one of the tips skimming his leg and causing small drips blood to seep into a part of his jeans. Keralis hissed in pain and instinctively pressed a hand to his leg.

"Hey man, what the hell?!" he yelled, glaring at the creeper hybrid that stalked unblinkingly towards him. Still slightly dazed and now angry, he couldn't really focus on being intimidated by the 6'6 hermit at the moment.

Doc grabbed the trident again and swung it towards Keralis, hovering the sharp points in front of his throat. "State your name and your purpose," the hybrid growled, grinning and showing sharp teeth.

"It's me, Keralis!" Keralis exclaimed. "Why'd you hit me?!"

Doc stared at him for a moment before laughing, pressing the trident to the soft skin of his throat. "Trying to fool us, are you ya fraud?" he asked mockingly. "Probably should have hidden your wings, don't you think?"

Keralis looked at him, bewildered. "What wings?!" he yelled, his patience wearing thin from exhaustion and the amount of confusion from the whole situation. "Why the hell would I have wings Doc?!"

"What's going on?" another voice asked. A man in a blue army-like suit walked up from behind Doc, a similarly colored hat over his brunette hair and green eyes glittering warily. Upon seeing Keralis, he instantly whipped out a trident that glowed with the same mystically violet aura as Doc's.

"Found another alien I see," Scar remarked, sneering.

Keralis grit his teeth together angrily, balling his hands in fists. "I'm not an alien!" he protested, glaring daggers up at them. "I'm Keralis! A hermit!"

Scar snickered, mouth pressed into a tight smile. "A likely story. Last I saw Keralis he definitely didn't have butterfly wings." He nudged his trident just past Keralis' shoulder and Keralis yelped as a tingle ran down his spine.

He twisted his head and gaped at the hot pink butterfly wings fluttering on his back, pitch black outlining them and creating sporadic designs on the pink. "I-I... huh?!"

"And didn't my trident cut you?" Doc hissed, pointing to the small of Keralis' jeans. Indeed patch of skin had repaired itself, leaving nothing but slight red stains on the tattered denim.

"Supernatural healing," Scar concluded, nodding at Doc's words. "An obvious alien trait."

"I don't know what's going!" Keralis cried, eyes wide with desperation. "I promise you, I don't know what happened! I'm Keralis, I'm telling you!"

Scar glanced at Doc, his expression turning conflicted for a moment, then turned back to Keralis. "We still can't be sure seeing as you do now have supernatural features. We will take in for questioning and tests." He raised his trident, face cold and blank. "Please do not resist."

Keralis barely had time to register the searing pain in his before darkness enclosed his vision.


(gordon ramsay voice once again) finally, some good fucking [Keralis angst]

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