hello and welcome to a very cursed AU

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its midnight so you know what that means :D a super cursed AU that shouldn't ever exist

Sailor Moon AU???

-like, Grian is Sailor Moon (because blonde and main character)

-Mumbo is Tuxedo Mask (Sailor Moon's love interest and tuxedo and black hair)

-Impulse is Mars (black hair, red like redstone)

-Iskall is Jupiter (green and brown hair)

-Tango is Uranus (yellow spikey hair and also an inappropriate name i feel like he would pick)

-Cleo is Neptune (very green)

-Zed is Saturn (grape boi)

-Xisuma is Pluto (green and is basically god)

-Stress is Mercury (bob hair cut)

-False is Venus (god)

-Stress is Chibiusa (pink, short, cute but lowkey god)

-Maui and Jellie are Luna and Artemis respectively

-Jevin, Wels, and Python are Sailor Star Healer, Fighter, and Maker in no particular order

-Scar and Cub are Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne in no particular order (they're villains btw)

-uh, BDubs and Keralis are ??? anyone else can fill in villain roles

-hhhhhhh just imagine the anime transformations (imnotsorryforthatimage)

you're very welcome for this cursed as fuck AU at midnight :')

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