Abandoned in the Past (one-shot)

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Game laughed to himself, wandering around the darkened "facility". He'd thought it'd be enjoyable tonight to look around Area 77, maybe test out the shadows of the objects laid around. He wandered down one of the hallways, recognizing Doc's old arm that was now contained in Area 77.

"Hey!" a voice rasped. Game whipped around just in time to see the dim shadow of the container morph into a figure. A monochrome Doc twisted into view, crossing his arms and glaring with glowing red eyes.

Game jumped back in surprise, hands out to defend himself. "What the fuck?!" he shouted, eyes wide. "Daze? What the hell are you doing in here?"

The other shadow rolled his eyes. "Do I look like Daze?" he hissed, pointing to his robotic chest and two normal arms.

"Yes you do!" Game retorted. "But that's besides the point! Who are you and why are in here?!"

"My name is Drift," the shadow replied, steadily matching Game's hostile gaze. "I'm Doc's old shadow from Mindcrack. He left me in Mindcrack, only to return for his damn arm, then leave me to rot in here."

Game raised an eyebrow curiously. "Well why don't you just leave the cell?" he asked. "It's easy, see?" He stuck his arm through the glass to demonstrate.

Drift facepalmed with a groan. "If I could do that don't you think I'd have already done it by now?" he spat. "I don't know what the hell they did, but I can't get out."

"Now that's tricky." Game thought for a moment before snapping his fingers as an idea came to mind. "I have powers!" he exclaimed. "Maybe I can pull you out? It might hurt, but if you're willing to do it then-"

"Whatever you need to do to get me out of this hell," Drift interrupted, eyes lighting up at the other's words. "I'm willing to try anything."

Game nodded and raised his hands, red electricity sparking around them. The same red sparks circled Drift and suddenly yanked him forward, the glass rippling as he was pulled through. The two stood in shock for a moment Drift spoke.

"Y-you actually did it..." he murmured, staring wide-eyed at the stunned Game. "You got me out..." The shadow threw himself at Game, enveloping him in a hug. "I am forever in your gratitude. Thank you so much for getting out of there."

"Forever in my gratitude eh?" Game repeated cockily, smirking as the other quickly pulled away and stared up at him in horror. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. But I'd like to help me achieve my goal."

The smaller shadow tilted his head slightly, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. "And what's the goal?"

"I want to find a way for the shadows to become real players," Game explained, sneering wickedly. "If you join me, I can help you get revenge on Doc for imprisoning you for so long."

Drift looked away for a moment, thinking about his choice. Then he looked back at Game, grinning.

"I'll help you."


me trying to figure out the shadows work: does this mean everyone gets shadows for different servers??

also me: wait that would mean X has like 5 shadows from the different hermitcraft servers-

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