Will Be Forgetting This (script??)

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i wanted to make an animation of this, then i realized i have no time (or skills) to do it so here's a script for it instead


Wearing light shoes
[daylight setting]
[Joe swoops down with a shulker box, dropping it then pulling up back into sky]
[zoom in on shulker box as it falls]

Walking down the shore
[zoom out on Cleo as she catches the shulker box  from the top of her pirate ship, then swings down onto the deck with a rope]

Dive in head first
[Mumbo flies down, camera pans with him, and he crashes into the water]
[waves crash over camera as transition]

Down to the ocean floor
[camera pans down into ocean, where Grian is planting sea pickles]
[camera pans upwards and turns to sunset setting]

Your dark brown eyes
[pan up to see Stress, with a bow and arrow, shooting at a drowned]
[she fires, arrow hits the drowned in the head]
[camera circles around one side of arrow to the arrow]

Reflect fireflies
[Iskall comes in and slices through said drowned, the blade swing acting as a transition]

Slipin' bright nights
[blade swings by to reveal EX fighting off a spider with a sword, a grimace on his face]
[switch to a front face camera at EX's face which spins quickly to the spider]

Getin' me high on life
[a sword stabs through the spider, poofing into white smoke and revealing a grinning Xisuma, sword out in front of him]
[wide shot of the two as Xisuma chuckles and EX pouts, whining about how he could have handled it]
[camera rushes down into ground and blurs which then goes to the inside of ConCorp HQ, where the drones control area is]

It's a night to stay up late
[turn to night setting]
[Cub has a drone in his arms, his face concentrated, a screwdriver dug into the drone, and a pencil behind his ear as he fiddles with the metal]

Things we have to do can wait
[pan left and down to Scar on the floor, sitting criss crossed and contently petting Jellie]
[camera rushes down into ground and blurs which then goes into jungle setting]

We've got catchin' up to do
[pan down to Doc and BDubs chatting happily in a jungle because reasons]

There's a glow about you
[camera pans to the left where Keralis is tangled in some vines and struggling, a pout on his face]
[camera rushes down into ground and blurs which then goes into basic living room setting, facing the couch]

This is the perfect night to catch a cold
[Impulse is asleep, head on Tango's lap, Zed is asleep and resting his head on Tango's shoulder, and Tango is resting his head on Zed's]
[camera rushes down into ground and blurs which then goes onto a beach at night; camera is at a wide shot, looking out at ocean with sand half-way in shot]

Turn on the full length of the north shores
[Ren and False are fighting a group of drowned, grinning as tag-team one]
[False gets backed up in the water and falls in, the wave spraying up acting as a transition]

Stay up for the sunrise, speak a wish
[camera floats up, wide shot slightly angled right towards the sunrise; sunrise setting with sun slowly moving up]
[Python is sitting at the top of one of the towers in Tower Bay, weaving a flower crown made of Daylilies, smiling to himself]
[camera zooms into red part of flowers, filling the screen with red]

There is no way we'll be forgetting this
[camera spins outward from red, revealing red ink that makes up a doodled heart]
[pan out slowly to reveal Joe, smiling to himself and holding a quill up against a book, the sun slowly rising behind him]

[sun flares brightly, enclosing everything in bright white]


this was fun to write ^-^

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