Thundering Fear (one-shot)

586 20 15

i could have called this "Lightning Love" but that sounds like it's suggesting something else so im going with the safe option -.-'


Impulse jumped as loud thunder crackled outside. Whimpering quietly, he pressed his hands tighter against his ears, trembling slightly and his curled up into an even smaller ball. Despite being around fireworks all day, the deafening crackle and boom of thunder made it impossible to relax.

Tango, who's lap Impulse's head was currently nestled in, could hardly even comfort Impulse as he was nervously looking around. His supernatural hearing made it difficult to tell apart rain from footsteps and unfortunately the rain was being quite loud at this time.

Zed stared intensely out the window, legs pulled up to his chest as he balanced himself on the chair against the window. Fidgeting with the small blanket on his lap, paranoid thoughts raced through his brain. Even though the amount of water outside was no where even close to flooding levels, he still couldn't shake the thought of drowning a painful death.

Glancing down at the shaking man in his lap, Tango jerkily ran a hand through Impulse's messy hair in a weak attempt to calm him down. "I-Impulse," he stuttered, eyes darting nervously around the room. The brunette shakily lifted a hand from his ear, looking up at Tango with fearful eyes. "I-I could make you s-some tea i-if you want..."

His boyfriend nodded quickly, hastily clapping the hand back over his ear. Tango gently nudged Impulse from his lap and swiftly made his way to the small kitchen across the room, trying his best not to flinch at every little noise.

"Z-Zed, want a-any?" The blonde didn't say anything, instead continuing to stare wide-eyed out the window like his boyfriend hadn't said a word.

Sighing, Tango hastily made his way over to Zed, trying to keep his eyes to the ground as to not see the dark and vast outside. "Zed?" he murmured, tapping the blonde's shoulder.

Zed jumped in surprise, shaken from his thoughts, and snapped his head towards Tango. "Y-Yeah?!" he replied, fumbling for words.

"Ah! Sorry!" Tango apologized, instinctively putting his hands up. "I-I just uh... w-want any tea?"

His boyfriend stared back for a couple of seconds but eventually nodded. "Yes p-please," he muttered, sheepishly looking away and fidgeting with his shirt sleeves. "S-sorry about that... I wasn't paying attention..."

The devil hybrid shook his head and lightly planted a kiss on the other's forehead. "It's f-fine. Y-you're just worried a-about other things... l-like all of us."

Zed was going to respond but a loud crack of thunder interrupted him, springing up another whimper from Impulse. Now distracted from his earlier thoughts, Zed jumped out of his chair and practically stumbled over his own feet to get to Impulse.

Helping the brunette up into a sitting position, Zed gently wrapped his arms around Impulse, murmuring sweet encouragement as the brunette tried to gain control over his rapid breathing.

Tango smiled at the two and turned back to the tea, hardly flinching when more thunder struck as he was distracted by other, more comforting thoughts.


i've wanted to write about this for a while but kept forgetting to lmao (also, yes Impulse does have a fear of thunder, Tango gets paranoia from the rain (same lol), and Zed gets paranoia of things flooding)

aka these three are a fucking mess during heavy storms but hey, we need the other two comforting Impulse once in a while :)

side note, i feel like im that meme of that girl from Phineas and Ferb kicking down the door going "MOM, HOLY FUCK"

... coughcoughmanishouldreallywritesomeangstihaven'treallydoneitinawhilecoughcough

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