i've got some terrible AUs-

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some cursed, some blursed, some blessed, some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you have been warned

-city based AU Doc and his friends got to a maid cafe (aka Iskall dragged him there because he's horny) and Doc meets Ren (this is an all gender inclusive maid cafe alright?); they fall in love and are horny and shit and this AU would mainly be a horny one-

-animal AU where everyone's an animal (not including minecraft exclusive mobs like creepers); Cleo's the only human because irony (Joe's an owl, Mumbo's a crab, etc etc); each animal is just trying to survive in the wild and Cleo is this like, lost kid in the woods and she befriends animals and it's kinda like Tarzan-

-city AU where everyone lives in the city as normal people and have jobs besides youtube because just pretend youtube doesn't exist in this world; Joe's a writer, Mumbo's an electrician, maybe Grian's an accountant-

-kingdom AU where Xisuma is prince, then he gets kidnapped by this group of rebels, but ends up joining them, then his father (the king) dies so Xisuma's younger brother comes into power and the younger brother is Grian, and he's really chaotic and kinda destroying everything to Xisuma and the rebels try to overthrow him

-gay strip club AU where a bunch of the hermits work at this gay strip club (not all of them are strippers, some work behind the scenes and stuff) and the remaining few hermits are just regular people who come to the strip club (andgetdrunkaf- ); idk this i feel would just be kind of an interesting AU to write about i feel

-street cat AU where everyone's a street cat just trying to make their way in life and some of them have groups they live with and some of them are bitches and-

-yu-gi-oh AU where everyone plays yu-gi-oh and does tournaments and face each other and it's  s u p e r   c o o l

-pokemon AU that i've mentioned before where we follow the adventures of the Architech bois as they challenge gym leaders and other teams with  p o k e m o n

-deal with the devil AU where some of the hermits (Zed, Python, Stress, Iskall, and EX) are devils that make deals with [insert all their boyfriends/girl friends]; Cub and Scar are Satan and God respectively (because they would be), Doc is the one to guide people to the afterlife, and Ren is the Grim Reaper (he collects the souls then gives the dead people to Doc for him to guide them)

-evil counterparts AU where all the hermits evil counterparts come from an interdimensional portal and meet the regular hermits (this includes Xisuma's counterpart, Badtimes coming through, EX's counterpart, etc)

-ghost seer AU where Grian is this like young kid (12-ish) and can see ghosts (the other hermits) and has to find ways to put them to rest

-mental asylum AU i've mentioned before where all the hermits are in a mental asylum with different disorders and Grian is the newest with delusions and PTSD from his delusions and he has to try and get by in his new home (also EX wouldn't be here, it's just Xisuma with multiple personality disorder)

alright that's enough lol, it's fun to make AUs; feel free to expand on any of them

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