Training Scars (one-shot)

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me trying to come with a name for this one-shot: what do i called something Zed and Python centered?

my brain: 
p u r p l e   s n a k e s

me: *w h e e z e*

(warning: gore and angst)


"You sure about this?" Python asked, flexing his claws. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"It'll be fine, just a bit of training!" Zed reassured, stretching his black claw-like fingers. "Besides, you can't use your venom, I can't use teleport, it'll be okay!"

Python shrugged. "Alright then. Ready to start?" Zed nodded, smirking. "Start."

Python instantly darted forward and lashed out, barely scraping Zed's arm. The blonde yelped in surprise and jumped backwards. He dug his claws into the ground and leaped towards Python, swinging toward the hybrid. Python swiftly backflipped away and landed gracefully on his feet, grinning.

Zed growled under his breath and dashed forward again, aimlessly swinging his claws. The snake hybrid in front of him launched himself at Zed and bowled him over, rolling off him and standing up.

"You can't be reckless Zed," he advised, lending a hand down to the disgruntled hybrid. "Wanna take a break and then try again?"

"No no, I'm fine," Zed huffed, grabbing Python's hand and stumbling to his feet. "Let's go again. I want to learn how to fight properly." Python grimaced. "Alright, your choice."

They started up again and Zed continued to carelessly try and claw Python, to which Python dodge. He swept out a leg and kicked Zed's feet from under him, knocking the blonde to the floor.

Python sighed, standing over the heavily panting Zed. "Zed I told you-"

"Yeah yeah, I get it!" Zed snapped, pushing himself to his feet and shaking out his ruffled hair. "Let's just go another round."


"What do you mean no?!" Zed growled, glaring at the red head. Python shook his head firmly, crossing his arms. "I'm not letting you overwork yourself. I can see you're tired, so let's rest for a while then do another round."

Zed bared his teeth in a snarl. "I'm not tired!" he protested. "I thought you said you were going to help me!"

Python sighed. "I am going to help you, but letting you overwork yourself won't help. I know you're tired, I can see it, so stop hiding it and just-"

"I'M NOT TIRED!" Claws whipped close to Python's face and he gasped, stumbling backwards to avoid the hit. "Zed!" he snapped. "I get that you want to train, but don't try to fucking blind me!"

The blonde rolled his eyes, dropping his stance and preparing to spring. "If you're not going to fight me, then I'll fight you!" Then he gone, leaving only a flurry of violet particles where he once stood.

A force crashed into Python's back and kicked him across the ground, dirt spraying into the air and small stones digging into his flesh. Python glared up at Zed and stumbled to his feet, baring his claws in front of him. "I don't want to hurt you Zed!" he yelled, narrowing his eyes. "But you're really forcing me to!"

He launched himself at Zed, slicing across his flesh with glimmering claws now stained with blood. The fabric on Zed's jacket sleeve tore and scarlet red spilled through, staining the ground it dripped onto. The blonde hissed in pain and clutched his arm, giving Python a window of opportunity to tackle him to the ground.

"Happy now?" he snapped, staring pointedly down at the hybrid beneath him who glared back up. "We did another round, now let's take a damn break!"

"Stop trying to pity me! I already said that I'm not tired!"

"Well I am!" Python responded, twisting his mouth into a growl.

Zed went quiet for a moment and Python relaxed his grip slightly, relieved Zed had finally given in. Then something pressed against his stomach and before he knew it, he was skidding across the floor from a kick to the stomach. "You're lying aren't you?!" Zed spat, expression twisted into a furious glare. "I don't need your pity Python!"

The enderman hybrid swiftly teleported behind Python and slashed at his back, knocking the red head forward and leaving a seeping gash cutting straight through his flesh. Python gasped in pain and tried to get to his feet. "Zed stop!" he whimpered, wincing at even the slightest of movements. "Please!"

"Shut up!" Zed hissed. He darted forward and swung his claws out again, narrowly missing Python's stomach as the man stumbled backwards to dodge. "I don't need your fucking pity!" Black started to seep out onto the skin around his right eye, tainting the patch around it pitch black. His purple eyes glow violently against the dark color and glared furiously down at him.

"Zed... you told me you wanted to become strong... to be as strong as the others... that's why you wanted to train..." Python murmured, trying not to shift and disturb any of his injuries. "I know how you feel. You want to prove to others what you're capable of. You want to be noticed for your accomplishments. You want people to listen to you..."

"But this isn't the way."

Zed froze for a moment, tears starting to run down his blood stained cheeks, and that gave Python the opportunity to weakly tackle Zed to the ground. "I'm sorry," he whispered, just before sinking his fangs into the blonde's neck. Zed's body twitched before falling limp, his eyes rolling back and revealing white before closing shut.

Python sighed and reached to pull his communicator from his pocket. But his arm didn't listen and instead flopped limply beside him. He slumped against the floor and let darkness swamp over his vision, the pain from his back fading as everything went numb.


this was originally Python based, but then it kinda turned more Zed centered so yay??? also im lowkey starting to ship Python and Zed goddamn it-

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