Jokes Rule the Game (one-shot)

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this title makes no sense, but that's not the point here-


"Are you ready?" Joke crowed, grin somehow wider than usual.

Joe nodded and was immediately thrown into darkness. He snapped awake back in his base and Joke's familiar voice hummed through his head.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight," his body said, getting up on it's own. "Sit back and enjoy the show Joe, because Game is going to finally get a taste of his own medicine!"

Joe listened to his shadow and simply watched on, not resisting the grip Joke had on his body. They quickly rushed off towards Grian's base, rocketing noisily through the night sky with their elytra. Once they arrived, Joke rushed them in and started to look around.

"Oh Game~!" they purred quietly. "Come out wherever you are!"

"W̶͈͛ẹ̶̚ĺ̴̨l̵̥̕ ̷͙̔h̶̤̽ȇ̷̡l̸̜̚ḻ̴̀ō̷̜ ̶̨̃J̸̤͝ỏ̸̝k̶͚̈́ë̶͕́,̶͓̈" a new voice growled. A large shadow dropped suddenly from above and looked up at Joe with a sneering grin and glaring red eyes that pierced through the darkness. "W̸̺̋h̵̰̎a̴̛͉t̶͈̃ ̷̢̉b̵͎̉ṟ̶̑ì̸̳ǹ̵̮g̵̤̒s̵̹͛ ̷͔́ý̶̝ȏ̵̖ŭ̸͓ ̸̧̎h̷̺̚e̴̼̅r̸̤̒e̸̩̿-̷̜͊" The shadow froze, seeing Joe standing there with a wide grin.

"Surprise surprise!" Joke sang, folding their arms. "I got a new look! Ya dig?"

"Í̵̬m̷̗̐p̶̛̗o̴̟͌ş̷͗s̵̨͐i̷͕͘b̸̲́l̸̢͌e̶͙͒.̶͓̚.̴͉̀.̸̦͐" Game muttered, eyes wide with shock. "Y̷̻͂-̷̟͒y̴͚͑ȯ̴̗u̷͑ͅ'̴̝͝ȑ̶̦e̴͍̓ ̶̥̊i̷͚͘ǹ̵̜ ̵̬̽J̵̥̾o̷̢̍e̷͚͂'̴̬̚s̷̪̕ ̵̮͘b̵̛͉ö̸̘́d̸͇̒y̴̭͠.̵̹̚.̸̥͑.̸̱̎"

Joke snickered, their signature grin plastered on their face, and stalked closer to Game. "Listen here Game," they said, smile curled in a tauntingly sweet way. "You have been tampering with the balance of the shadows and the hermits for too long. It's time someone put you in your damn place and talked some sense into you."

Game sneered, shadowy wings spreading out to their full length behind me. "L̶̰͛ị̴͠k̷̼̒e̵̢͌ ̸̮̔ŷ̸̘o̷̺͂ư̷̭ ̸͕͒c̷̙͘o̵͇̓ŭ̶̬l̵̻͝d̵̡̐ ̷͓̾s̷̰̓c̵̉ͅa̵̗̔r̸̠̊e̷͚͛ ̵̺́m̵̤͆ȇ̶͎ ̴̞͑l̸͔͐i̶̫̕ţ̶͠t̶̙͆l̶̢̐e̴̱͂ ̸̗̀j̴̪̆e̸̜͛ṡ̸̪t̶̟͗e̴̞̒ṛ̵͝.̸̬̔" He swept out his hand, attempting to use his power.

Joke flinched, but otherwise remained as they were. "Powers can't help ya now, huh Game?" Joke cackled. "You better know your place, or we'll have to put you in it again. Got it?"

The shadow in front of them nodded reluctantly, a scowl evident on his face. "Ḯ̴̧'̵̗͌l̶̠͒l̶̰̓ ̵̘̀f̶̜̅ȏ̵͎ǘ̶̻n̸̨̆d̵̙̑ ̶̦̚h̴̝͐õ̵̲ẁ̵̝ ̴͜͠ȳ̵̙o̸̗̐ù̶͍ ̴̢̊d̶̢͌i̷͚̿d̵͇͒ ̷̹̈ḯ̴̪ṭ̵̆,̷͓́" he growled. "İ̴̱ ̵̡͐w̸̲͋į̷̚l̸̬̅l̵̖̂ ̷̼̾ḃ̴͚e̶̡̕c̴̩̅ó̵̞m̵̜̎è̵̼ ̸̱̓ŕ̶̗e̸̡̊a̶̧͊l̶̦͊ ̶̜̍ò̷̗n̸͈̏e̷̺͐ ̷̭̉ď̷̫ǎ̸͎y̸̤̏.̶̉ͅ"

"And that is for me to know, and you to never find out," they purred with a wink. "See ya later Game~" And with that, they flew off.

"That was simple enough right?" Joke asked Joe, relishing how the cool breeze ruffled his hair.

"I guess to so," Joe muttered back. "But it can't be that simple... Game has to be planning something..."

"Eh, don't worry too much about it. Parody and Zero'll figure it out once we tell 'em," he shadow reassured, waving off his concerns. "Well since we have a few hours... wanna go visit come other shadows?"

"Are we allowed to?"

"Technically speaking, we're allowed to do anything!"

"Alright then... let's go I suppose."

"You don't have a choice anyways!"


Joe and Joke have a uh... interesting dynamic???

(alsowhatiftheyvisitedWarpandRiftlikeahhhhmyheartwoulddie- )

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