Writing Practice (one-shot(s)

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this is just some overly detailed descriptions for some nice writing practice (aka i wanna flex on ya'll with my writing skills >:3)

also also, you guys deserve some fluff and friendships after that last chapter-


Hands pressed against her back and pushed her into the freezing water, letting the icy sea envelope her. Water quickly seeped into her clothes and chilled her to the bone, the now-drenched fabric flowing aimlessly against the water. A flood of water slipped into her mouth as she gasped from shock, lungs starting to burn desperately for oxygen. She flailed her arms wildly, trudging against the freezing rush of water, and dragged herself back up to the surface, gasping for a breath that chilled her lungs. Shaking out her soaked brown hair, she glared indignantly at the player who had pushed her in. Said player was laughing his lungs out, bent over as he held his stomach and brushed away a fake tear. She rolled her eyes playfully and dragged herself out of the frigid ocean, stumbling as she stood up with the added weight from her dripping wet clothes. "Iskall!"

He sighed and closed his eyes contently, feeling a hand lightly run through his messy hair and gently scratch around the base of his horns. A quiet purring noise escaped his lips, relaxing against his boyfriend's shoulder and resting his head on his shoulder. The slightly amused brunette he was leaning against used his other arm to rest it on his boyfriend's shoulder, not pausing for a moment in his scratching. A light weight laid in his lap and he blinked opened his eyes halfway. Through slightly blurry vision he could make out blonde hair and a freckled face, arms sleepily wrapping around his waist. He absentmindedly started running a hand through the blonde's hair, earning tired murmurs and snuggles from him. The brunette beside them smiled, watching his two boyfriends melt into each other's arms, and laid his head against Tango's, seeing Zed drop asleep just as Impulse closed his as well.

Wind rushed through his ears and ruffled his already messy blonde hair. Feeling cold air burn through his lungs, he sparked another firework and shot higher into the morning sky. The sun shone brightly behind him, barely peeking over where the sky and ocean met, and beating its warmth down on him. Streaks of pastel pink and lavender painted the baby blue air above him and slowly retreated back into fluffy white clouds that rolled by. Feeling the wind catch under his cream colored wings that arched over his back, he let himself glide down into the familiar shopping district, dust flying up in faint puffs as his large wings flapped closer to the earth/

Hearing a dangerous hiss behind her, the blonde leapt to her feet and whipped out her glittering diamond sword, purple enchantment glowing hauntingly around it. Letting the explosive mob get closer, she swept her arm out, letting the blade slice through the monster. It hissed again, this time louder, and started flashing white. She precariously backed away from it, hastily shaking her long hair from her face and preparing for another advancement. The green hued monster started stalking towards her once more and she struck out with her sword. Once the blade made contact with it's dappled skin, the mob flashed red for a moment before dissolving into a puff of white smoke, only leaving behind a small pile of silky gunpowder.


other kids: look at my trophy!
me, an intellectual: look at my overly descriptive 600 words of writing

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