underrated AUs and tropes

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i've been in quite a few fandoms and a lot of them have some similar AUs/tropes (ex: hybrid AU, love triangle trope) but i've found that the hermitcraft fandom is actually missing a lot of great AUs and fun trope ideas??? so here's some

-im including the hybrid because although it has been used, it's greatly underrated and im mad about that because it's a great fucking AU!

-genderbent AU i've seen a few times but it's also underrated and let me just say that genderbent Doc is too underrated like hot damn-

-insane asylum AU which i've seen in the Sky Media and i think Team Crafted fandom but like honestly i love insane asylum stuff; insane asylum AU is also great for things like Area 77 or the Vex overlords, etc

-opposites AU which i've seen like twice but honestly it's great because absolute bby Doc and confident flirty af Mumbo give me life-

-any kind of school AU from elementary to college is greatly underrated; Raethestar has written a bit about a college AU and it was fucking great go check it out; a school AU gives chance to bend the canon events in hermitcraft and twist them into more school associated things (ex: the Civil War, Poultry Man, the Jangler, etc)

-love triangle AU with literally any poly ship (UGS, ZIT, Architechs, etc); love triangles are great for angst and fluff and everything like that and rips apart both the characters' hearts and our own

-pastel punk AUs where a punk hermit falls in love with a pastel hermit; provides lots of cute fluffy shit and is just an adorable AU in general; generally takes place in a high school setting but i guess it could work with other settings???

-modern life AU where the hermits just live in a normal modern life and it's just interesting to see how you can bend certain canon events into irl events (ex: the Civil War, Sahara vs ConCorp, etc)

-superhero AU where everyone's either a superhero or villain; this AU can be bent in many different ways (ex: all the hermits are heroes fighting one or a few collective villains, or the villains could be some hermits or evil counterparts or another server)

-the lovers miscommunication trope (as i call it) where the lovers have some kind of miscommunication among themselves that tear them apart and they've gotta fix it and their friends help; the trope provides a lotta fucking angst and im all for it because it usually ends in some super sappy and fluffy way

-*chucks every sappy and overused but not used at all in the hermitcraft community trope at you* aCCEPT THEM

everyone draws Doc super buff but i feel like irl he's kind of a twig- (it's the opposite for Mumbo; canonly buff, fanonly twig)

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