My Light in the Dark (one-shot)

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here's some fluff to counteract all that angst (this originally was going to be that pirate russian roulette with Ren and Keralis but like- )

(yeah yeah i've written something like this before, but ssshhhhhh it's just too cute)


"I'm sorry, but I can't stay."

"No, please Cub!"

"I'm sorry Scar."




Scar jolted upright in a cold sweat, eyes wide with panic. Tears were already running down his face, but he didn't stop them.

I-it was just a nightmare Scar, he told himself, quiet sobs escaping through his lips. J-just a n-nightmare...

His door creaked open and weak light spilled into his room. Jellie leaped onto his bed, stalking up to him and brushing her face against his side.

"Thanks Jellie," he murmured, stroking his fingers through the tabby cat's fur. "You always know how to help..."

"What, do I not exist?" a familiar voice asked sarcastically. Scar glanced up and saw Cub outlined in the faint moonlight, his playful smirk barely visible.

Once he caught side of Scar's vulnerable, tear-stained face, he rushed forward. "Oh Scar, what happened?" he asked, his tone quickly changing to concern.

"Just a nightmare," he sniffled, ducking his head and quickly wiping away at the still-falling tears.

Cub smiled softly and sat next to him. Jellie, who was simply watching the two, jumped off the bed to continue wandering the house at midnight like cats do.

"It's alright," Cub murmured, gently wrapping an arm around it. "It was a dream. Do you... wanna talk about it?"

Scar hesitated, but eventually spoke. "W-well, you got mad and me and y-you... you left me... and I asked you to stay! B-but you said n-no and walked away... a-and I...." He trailed off from his rambling, trying to contain the sobs that threatened to spill from his mouth.

Cub noticed his shaky breathes and gently whispered, "It's okay, you can cry." As soon as the words left his mouth, Scar doubled over in sobs, letting his fear consume him as he cried his heart out. Cub quietly sat there, rubbing circles on the hermit's back, as the brunette in his arms finally let out all of his fear and pain.

Once his sobs started calming down, a yawn escaped his lips. "You should sleep now," Cub gently suggested.

"C-can you s-stay here?" Scar's voice was quiet and hoarse from the recent breakdown, but his friend thankfully heard him and laid down.

Scar sighed softly, resting his head in the crook of Cub's neck as the hermit ran his fingers through his hair. Clinging sleepily to the other, Scar hazily murmured, "Thank you Cub..."

"No problem Scar," Cub whispered back. "Now, goodnight."

And with that, he fell back into darkness. But this time, it was peaceful and full of warmth.


hhhhhhhhh i love these two so much 💕💕

[2022 EDIT: definitely platonic and totally didn't edit the romance out-]

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