Kingdom of Hearts (one-shot/AU)

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and no, this has nothing to do with the book Kingdom Hearts, i just though this was a cool title :')


Footsteps heavy and sullen, he barely struggled against the ropes binding his hands or when they took everything from his pockets. He knew better than to try and run from the guards, especially the head of them.

The guard grumbled something in another language before roughly shoving him in a cell. The knight stood up, adjusting his magenta and yellow accented sash, before swiftly leaving and casting one last glare at the abandoned rogue.

The rogue sat there in desolate silence, running a hand through his fiery red hair and groaning. "This is what happens when you get cocky," he muttered to himself, shaking his head. "Idiot..."

There wasn't really much for the rogue to do other than chat with his own voice and rethink his poor life decisions. Why had he decided to try and steal from a blacksmith of all people? Yeah the swords were the best he could have gotten here but it definitely wasn't worth the risk considering how heavily guarded they were.

After what seemed like hours, the rogue finally heard footsteps coming down the spiraling stairway. A knight stepped out of the dimly lit stairwell and walked over to the rogue's cell, hand on the hilt of his sword. Blonde hair spiraled down his shoulder, tied in a low ponytail, and his crystal blue eyes seemed to stare straight through the rogue.

The knight said some gibberish in the same language as the head knight before raising his sword towards the rogue, looking at him expectantly.

The rogue stared him, confused. "Sorry but I don't speak whatever that is," he explained, shrugging.

The blonde raised an eyebrow curiously, lowering his sword. So he's from another kingdom? he thought. Sounds like a medlei so... perhaps he's from Brishlo?

"Brishlo?" the knight asked in sontray. Thankfully the rogue could understand names, seeing as they were pronounced basically the same in all languages.

"Brishlo," the rogue repeated, nodding. He said some more dialect that the blonde couldn't understand but he could understand one word; Prishnia.

"Of course this isn't Prishnia," the knight said, slightly confused. Couldn't he tell sontray apart from leshlo? "This is Grisdain obviously."

The redhead sighed. He couldn't understand much of what the knight was saying, but he could take a guess that. "No no, are you from Prishnia?" he asked, pointing to the blonde. "I recognize the accent."

The knight nodded slowly, obviously not fully understanding. Someone suddenly yelled something from upstairs and the blonde turned towards the noise, sheathing his sword once again.

Just before he left, he realized he'd never gotten the thief's name. "Oh what's your name?" he asked again. The rogue shrugged and gave him a confused expression.

Sighing, the knight realized he'd have to reveal his own name to get the thief to say his. "Wels," he said, pointing to himself. "Yours?" he asked, pointing to the redhead.

The rogue was quiet for a moment, seemingly contemplating his decision. Finally, after a few moments, he said his name. "Python."


based off the book Camel Rider, i made an AU with a language barrier between the two! in this AU, Jevin's the king of Grisdain, Wels is a knight of Grisdain but he's originally from Prishnia, and Python's a rogue from Brishlo! as a bonus, Biffa is the head knight of Grisdain, Grian is the king of Brishlo, and Cleo is the queen of Prishnia

i was originally going to use just english for Python's language and na'vi for Wels (the language from Avatar) but then i kinda was in the mood to make up some names so we got medlei from Brishlo, sontray from Grisdain, and leshlo from Prishnia

also in this AU, each kingdom has a different language which can make traveling difficult, however Python had to evacuate from Brishlo after he was being hunted by the guards for trying to steal the Draconicus Crystal from the Brishlo palace

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