hello yes would you like some angst ideas-

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*grinning* wh-what if- *gets tackled*

what if... we had more angst and i show you some ideas i have- *gets tackled again*

-Doc angst because i know how much you all love that-

-uh hello yes? im getting a call right now tellling me  I M P U L S E   A N G S T   P L E A S E

-ConVex angst??? arguments??? yes??

-you guys really like Keralis right? well what about-

-more on that pirate AU, maybe more death because reasons

-Xisuma angst???

-i would say Cleo angst but i have to much already planned for Rulebreaks i think i'll spare you for now-

-Wels angst??? Jevin angst??? Python angst- wait i've already written some

-what if i wrote a one-shot where everyone got into an argument at a server-wide meeting? haha jkjk, unless...?

-so back to Keralis-

im tired okay, it's midnight and im still kinda high on birthday adrenaline

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