valentines day concepts

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-Not-Very-Safe- made me fucking realize that we have 2 weeks till valentines day so now im furiously typing up concepts for this shit goddamn it

-ConVex acting like cupids because i have my reasons (coughwingscough)

-alternative, single af Grian acting as cupid (again coughwingscoughs but also coughredcough)

-a one-shot with cute shit from every single couple on hermitcraft also the girls and Architechs

-ya know i was going to write something angsty with single af Mumbo but maybe i'll save that for later-

-what if i just drew cheesy valentines day cards for each of the hermits haha unless-

-going off the idea above, i was thinking about some stupid pickup lines then thought of Mumbo and redstone and literally the only ones i can think of are all really horny so goddamn it-

-"are you a redstone torch because you turn me on"-

-alternatively, i write a bunch of little cute snippets between different hermits in different AUs (like the pirate AU, facility 8-3 AU, technically Rulebreakers, etc)

-okay yeah maybe i just wanna write some cute Rulebreakers interactions but shhhhhhhh

-ironically, im literally ruling out all sexual things when in comes to valentines day because idk it just feels more... appropriate??? to write cute fluff instead of fucking?? idk

-hhhhhhhhh im so excited to see other people's valentines specials (especially -Not-Very-Safe's and Raethestar's because gosh their writing is always amazing)



-i realize i've never listed my ships in this book lol so here they are
JEX (Joe, EX, Xisuma)
ZIT (Zedaph, Impulse, Tango)
PWJ (Python, Wels, Jevin)
RenDoc (Ren, Doc)
ConVex (Cub, Scar)
and Keralis & BDubs who don't have a ship name lmao

-honestly im really liking that one-shot idea with little snippets of fluff from different AUs (mainly because if we're going back to that Facility AU and Shadow AU then that'd be adorable- )


-just like, cute little interactions from some random hermits?? maybe i use a randomizer to just draw out a few??

-for some reason my brain's like "Keralis x Wels" so i mean that idea's now on the table-

-side note: Keralis x Wels came from an MLP AU idea where Keralis was Cadence and Wels was Shining Armor who are married in the show and then oh look a ship-

-don't mind me just sobbing after rewatching that "Karma" animatic for like the 17th time (it's just my religion at this point okay)

-*slams hands on table* ANYBODY UP FOR SOME SPIN THE BOTTLE

-this is the one time im completely ruling out angst or gore or smut or anything like that because i want fluff alright-

-... okay maybe some lonely Mumbo angst but that's it-

-*kicks down the door* hEY DID SOMEBODY SAY LOVE POTIONS

-*kicks down the door again* aLSO DID SOMEONE MENTION PIXL AND ZLOY

feel free to mention any more ideas or build off any of the ideas here! (side note: im literally so depressed that valentines day is in 14 days like it felt like christmas just yesterday ;-;)

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