Kingdom of Hearts AU notes

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i was trying to make up phrases for my made up languages and accidentally started reciting mandarin and i was like "wtf why" (btw i've found its actually really nice to listen to french songs despite not understanding them, i recommend Derniere Danse by Indila)

also notes for Kingdom of Hearts (KOH) AU

-credit to hapyhappiness for helping with this, but after a while Wels starts coming down to Python's cell at night to try and learn each other's languages (medlei and sontrai)

-Wels brings down a candle and blanket because its fucking cold down there and a dictionary so they can (kinda) communicate

-after awhile they do kinda catch feelings for each and just as a "friendly" thing, often end up holding hands through the cell bars

-when Wels actually breaks Python out, it turns out they both are massive cuddlers and take any chance to cuddle

-Python wears a mask over his mouth usually to hide the red scales on his cheek that appeared after he tried to steal the Draconicus Crystal (they're after effects as well as small fangs"

-just for some more lore, there is a fourth kingdom called Vascidion and the language is levreshia however Vascidion is usually called the "corrupt kingdom" or the "evil kingdom" just because the kings, Cub and Scar, have a tendency to cause a lot of chaos (ex: major capitalist bois)

-Python worked with Doc to try and steal the Draconicus Crystal however after failing and basically getting head hunted, they agreed to leave to separate kingdoms to throw the guards off their trail

-Python went to Grisdain and Doc went to Vascidion

-yes this does mean Doc has scaley-scales on his face however the rest of him is human minus the robot bits (human Doc isn't real he can't hurt you; human Doc: )

-Wels would basically come down to visit Python every day but since he couldn't just takes naps through out the day like Python (since he's a prisoner) it took a big toll on his health and he nearly collapsed of exhaustion during training

-him and Python would study together until sunrise or if they heard a noise and Wels had to boot it out of there

-Wels would sometimes drift off and fall asleep but Python would usually wake him and then usher him back up to his room to sleep, however once Python couldn't wake up Wels in time and Biffa caught them

-Biffa does have a crush on Wels and is absolutely enraged that Wels has been hanging out with Python in secret, so he does everything in his power to try and stop them from seeing each other (even going to King Jevin)

-even though Biffa tries to separate them, Wels still finds ways to go down and visit Python but Python can see how ragged and tired Wels is so he starts to pretend he hears noises just to try and get the blonde to go back up and sleep

-oops i guess this is more of a Python x Wels story >.>

-Biffa brings him to Jevin (in which Wels is praying "pleasedon'tdeportmeohdeargod") but Jevin doesn't do much other than tell him to not free Python

-the rest of the royal guard find out about Wels visiting Python and basically bully him even more than they had before for being from a different kingdom (since Wels is originally from Prishnia)


-Wels ends up running back to Prishnia and seeks out Joe's advice, who helps him break out Python (because Joe's too nice to say no and feels bad for them)

-as soon as Python's out and they're safe, Python literally tackles Wels into a hug and they sob

-Joe awkwardly waits to the side and eventually coughs to get their attention so they can properly find a place to live

-Brilien is ruled out since Python's basically on a wanted list there, Grisdain is definitely ruled out since that's literally where they ran from, and Wels has a lot of negative memories in Prishnia so the only place they can go to is... Viscidion

-they're both absolutely terrified but they kinda end up warming up to the place, but oh god they have to learn another damn language oh god oh fu-

-Doc helps them settle into Viscidion and helps them find their way around and teaches them a little levreshia

-since they didn't have much physical contact when they first met, when they can they both love to just cling to each other and cuddle

-and yes Cub and Scar are nasty little capitalist bastards in here as well and they lowkey give Viscidion a bad rap because of how much shit they cause

-Grian, who's the king of Brilien, is just the embodiment of america ie. gremlin, constantly starting wars, will help you then nah s i k e, and a big troublemaker but at the same time a companion to all (except Viscidion)

-the kingdom of Prishnia, ruled by Queen Cleo and home to Joe, is known for it's amazing literature and art, and most fairytales and storybooks originated in Prishnia

-Grisdain, ruled by King Jevin, has an interesting culture as in it's heavy capitalist ie. you rich or you not and if you not then suck it, but it actually has very few poor citizens since it has the best economy and is the richest of all the kingdoms; most people living there have either an average life or a wealthy life or a rich life (which is kinda just the king)

-*crying in listen i just really like imaging Python and Wels, curled up under a blanket together with just a candle lighting their faces, and they're cuddled and sleeping together*

-and yes everyone is a bastard of a capitalist and you can't change my mind

there needs to be more Python x Wels material out there! *rethinking my words* actually there needs to be more Python and Wels content out there in general-

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