discussing minecraft foods

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i saw this on tumblr and i want to discuss it with ya'll

What Do The Minecraft Foods Taste Like?

-i imagine chorus fruit tastes like sweet taro and has a pasty consistancy

-maybe like, cake always tastes different depending on what flavor you're liking currently???

-glistening melon is just sweet melon and the crust is soft so you can eat it and it's sweet

-golden carrots taste like sweet roasted carrots

-zombie flesh is like beef jerky that's sour and maybe tastes even a bit like alcohol??? it has the consistency of jerky as well so its not fleshy and slimey and wet or whatever

-the meats, when cooked, always taste exactly right to your tastes

-any others????

the real question: where do the cherries on the cake come from?? and if they're not cherries, wtf are they???

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