The Beginning of an End (one-shot)

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"Do you really have to leave so soon?" EX murmured, staring at Joe with desperate eyes. "Can't you stay for a bit longer?"

Joe smiled solemnly and shook his head. "I'm ever so sorry EX," he replied, tone soft and quiet. "But I really can't stay. Without an admin controlling the server, it is going to begin falling apart."

"But X can keep it up!" the albino pleaded. "We can keep it a server for a little longer, then Xisuma can-"

"I heard my name." Said admin suddenly teleported beside them, floating slightly off the ground with a pale green admin screen in front of him. "Ah, hello EX, Joe."

"Greetings X." Not being to reach his face, Joe opted to press a kiss to his hand. "Always a pleasure seeing you around."

Xisuma smiled and chuckled, his free hand continuing to write out line after line of code. "Great to see you as well Joe." He turned to EX and nodded a greeting. "I can tell you're sad EX," he chided, making his brother turn away with a pout. "No need to hide it."

"I- yes well- I mean." EX fumbled for words, silently hating how his brother could read him like a book.

"Breath," Joe advised, giggling.

The albino took a short breath, face palming. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I'm just feeling... despondent."

Xisuma frowned and quickly dropped to the ground, becoming more eye-level with his brother. "Is this about the whole leaving-the-server thing?" he asked. EX nodded numbly, keeping his gaze to the ground. "I'm really sorry, but we can't stay. The server's going to crash if we don't turn it into a map."

"B-but I'm going to be alone again!" EX stammered, tears starting to gather at the corner of his eyes. "I-I can't even come with you! I'll h-have to st-stay here... by m-myself... please j-just..." His voice got quieter with every word and tears began streaming down his cheeks, hastily trying to wipe them away with his arm.

Joe immediately threw himself as his boyfriend, wrapping him up in a tight hug and letting him quietly sob. "It's alright," he murmured, running a hand through EX's messy white locks. "Let it out."

Xisuma watched with solemn expression, concealing the heart break that lay underneath. Watching his brother relive his nightmares was torturous but what could he do? He might be an admin but even he didn't have the power to let EX leave the server...

"Hey." Joe's voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked over, sighing with relief when he saw that EX had calmed down a little. "Even if I can't stay, why don't we send letters?" Joe suggested, glancing up at Xisuma. "X, you can carry items across servers right?" Xisuma nodded, getting what his boyfriend was hinting at.

"That..." EX smiled softly, wiping some tears from his cheek. "That sounds great..."

Joe grinned cheerfully, squeezing EX even tighter. "Glad you're happy aġ̷͈̩̗a̶̗̫̤͑͂̑i̷̹͕͋̕ṋ̸̏!̶͖̗́" His eyes suddenly widened and he gasped, choking on his own spit and coughing.

"Server's already starting to break," Xisuma muttered, typing out some code again. Joe's figure glitched out for a moment, the colors inverting and parts of him twitching, before reverting back to normal.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now." Joe pressed one last kiss to EX's lips. "Bye my darling."

"Promise you'll send letters?" EX asked quietly, staring at him with broken desperation.

"Promise." And with that, he was gone.

>@JoehillssTDS left the game

EX sniffled and rubbed his eyes, already missing his presence. "I'm assuming you have to go as well?" he murmured, glancing up at Xisuma with watery eyes.

"Unfortunately, I do," Xisuma sighed. EX smiled sadly and threw him into a hug, Xisuma quickly returning the favor. "Stay safe, alright?" he whispered. "Bye little bro."

His brother nodded, his grip around him tight but gentle. "Bye big bro."

>Xisuma left the game




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