smol fluffy headcanons

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im in a fluffy mood/it's the morning and im fucking tired so here's some cute fluffy headcanons for hermits

-starting off strong, Zed has dark purple ram horns that his boyfriends like to scratch around because it feels nice

-Python isn't cold blooded but he does like the feeling of the sun so he often relaxes on tall places (cough Grian's tower cough) and sleeps under the sun

-Keralis with healing powers because of his butterfly wings?
Keralis with healing powers because of his butterfly wings.

-Mumbo is a surprisingly graceful person and lot of his actions are pretty fluid, he's just socially anxious (honestlywhoisn't-)

-Stress has jewelry and a tiara made of enchanted ice that never melts

-Cleo has lots of gold bangles and rings and jewelry from her treasure hunting experience

-EX gets scared really easily and when he does get scared, he usually hides behind the nearest person for protection

-i haven't done anything for Zloy and Pixl so imma just say that Zloy is a flirty hoe and Pixl is just always tired with his antics but he still loves him

-Area 77 gave a bunch of the flowers from the Hippie prank over to Cleo and Python and the two made tons of flowers crown for everyone

-Joe "accidentally" flirts with Xisuma and the admin instantly dies from blushing

-Zloy will go on rants about shit with some flirting in there and Pixl just kisses him to shut him up; Zloy blushes and tries to keep composure but he's failing

-introducing Impulse, the living shitpost

-the flirts of the server: Ren (of course), Doc (mainly to his bf), Tango, Joe kinda, Cub

-god i can't wait to write a valentines day special because i have a great fucking idea

-i'd just like to say that "The Zombie Song" fits very well with Zloy and Pixl

-who's the most innocent on the server? *aggressively points to Mumbo*

-Iskall and Stress love making snowmen so when it snows, they'll have an army of snowmen by the end of the day

-Cleo will set up Joe-mama jokes and then Joe'll come in with the trident vibe check

-Scar gets flustered easily and Cub likes to make him blush while he's trying to work

-False and Wels train together and have a very passive-aggressive relationship

-to clear up some things about powers: Joe can still dreamwalk but it happens rarely, Mumbo cannot see the shadows anymore, Python has bat-like wings and his venom thingy, Keralis has butterfly wings and healing powers, Impulse can control shadows but cannot speak with any/see any

-Scar once Grian a mixed up rubik's cube and said it "reminded him of his storage system"

-Scar and Grian have a very passive-aggressive relationship, Iskall and Cub tend to be very competative and talk shit to each other, and Mumbo's there to make sure no one kills each other

-Tango likes head pats and his bfs are happy to give them to him

-Jevin likes cuddles way more than he admits (luckily his bfs also love cuddles)

-PWJ is all very overprotective of each other

-Zed is the night-owl of ZIT but he tends to collapse in the very early morning so his bfs often find him curled up with a book in his hand

-Wels purrs when people scratch around his horns; his tail is more sensitive and he absolutely melt if people pet it

no one:

me: *ready to strangle Grian after having to shade his wings for an hour*

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