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if you combine all my hermitcraft stuff books, you get 500 total parts within the span of about 2-3 months... wow i have no life!

to start things off, here's my persona and some stuff about me!

i realize i never gave ya'll a name to call me, so i guess call me Aim!

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i realize i never gave ya'll a name to call me, so i guess call me Aim!

some facts about irl me: im 13, i like desserts too much, im asian, my favorite color's silver, my favorite animal's a pallas cat, my favorite book genre's fantasy, im too sarcastic for my own good, i have a fear of doggos, about 5'3

facts about my persona: she can summon purple flames or blue electricity, she hisses and growls when she feels threatened, knows martial arts, about 5'6, rambles but no one understands what she's saying

*claps hands* now into the questions ya'll asked!

On a scale of 1-27 what is you favorite color of the alphabet?: im really liking the number elephant

How do you feel about popcorn?: meh, i don't really like it. I have a retainer and popcorn stuff tends to get stuck under it and really hurt (also i hate when the popcorn shards dig into my gums like  o w )

Do you remember any of your dreams you've had? Have a favorite one? (This is kinda strange but dreams fascinate me since they have meanings): hell yeah, dreams are freaking cool. I remember a lot of my dreams, but some of my favorites are the ones where like, i've had the dream before (as in the same setting and stuff) but i somehow, IN THE DREAM, literally say to myself "yeah i've been here before" and i go along the same route as before and am like "yup i've been here before"

Why are you so bigbrain? Where do all of your ideas come from? You're so creative and are coming up with AUs every other day. So, how do you do it?: first of all, thank you 💕 second of all, i get most of my ideas for AUs from listening to music. Remember that (disastrous) pirate AU? i got inspiration for that from a song called "Jack Sparrow." I also get inspiration from other writers, books, and gacha life videos

Spiders? yes or no: both. My relationship with spiders is "i love you and you're important and sometimes adorable, but im not touching you because you're kinda gross"

What kitchen utensil are you?: (isthisajabatMumbo- ) i'd say im a knife; i would say a whisk but that's giving me flashbacks to Dan and Phil-

Who do you look up to (like a senpai) in writing?: i'd say RaeTheStar, -Not-Very-Safe-, MangoKiwi, HKpika, hapyhappiness (who i always see makes great little ideas on NVS's chapters), and Sitting_In_My_Ships

yayyyy! so that was part 100! (ihavenolifemygosh- )

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