Battle for the Glory (one-shot)

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no one:

me trying to do my science homework at 11 pm: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

this was going to be a fluffy chapter, but then my tired brain said, "fuck it we're doing gore" (setting: if the civil war was an actual battle so here's a slight gore warning for ya'll (also they put away most of their stuff before the battle))


Cub and Scar grinned as they shot the starting firework into the sky, ignoring the burst of sparks and instead watching the hermits rush into battle.

Jevin rushed forward with his gleaming sword in hand, darting through the grass and headed straight for False. The blonde yelped in surprise and swiftly brought up her blade, the metals clinking as they crashed into one another.

She swiftly swept out her leg and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. "Bye bye slime boy," she sneered, plunging her sword straight into his chest. Pain struck through him for a moment, blood staining his pearly white hoodies, before vanishing in a puff of white steam and leaving his sword and elytra behind. False grabbed up the second blade and immediately charged Iskall, striking forward the two blades.

Iskall was prepared through and brought up his bow, tugging back and beginning to fire rapidly at False. False winced as an arrows pierced through her skin, but made a last attempt to strike at Iskall before dissolving into white smoke.

On the other side of the battlefield, Impulse and Joe were fighting it out, evenly matching each other's strides as they both tried to pinpoint weak spots. Joe was quickly growing tired, his arm aching from having to jerk around so swiftly, but thankfully an arrow knocked Impulse to the ground. Cleo stood proudly to the side, firing another sharply tipped arrow into Impulse.

The brunette yelped in pain, scrambling to get to his feet, but Joe easily knocked him down once again and stabbed his sword through the other's throat. Impulse gasped for air, a trickle of blood leaking from his mouth, before poofing into white smoke, leaving behind an elytra and another sword. Joe swiftly tossed the other sword to Cleo and the ginger shifted to duel-wielding a bow and a sword.

A cry of pain suddenly alerted them, glancing over just in time to see Mumbo vanish into white smoke with Wels holding a sword where the hermit once was. Wels instantly darted towards Joe and Cleo rushed forward to help, only to get an arrow stabbed into her arm by a blur of green.

"Using cheap tactics, are we Xisuma?" Cleo teased, barely managing to dodge a second arrow. Xisuma chuckled lightly, loading up another arrow. "Not cheap, just... smart." He suddenly switched to a sword and dove at Cleo, catching her by surprise and piercing the blade straight through her stomach. She glanced up at him, wide eyes turning to a hearty grin. "Well played," she remarked just before turning to white smoke.

Joe meanwhile was getting absolutely dominated by Wels, the knight easily knocking the sword from his hand and pinning him to the ground with a sword to Joe's neck. "Any last words?" Wels asked, pressing the blade against his soft skin. Joe smiled softly, trying his hardest not to look at the blur of yellow and red headed towards them. "Watch out."

Tango suddenly crashed into Wels, catching the knight off-guard and bowling him over. He raised his sword to strike into him, only for an arrow to harshly lodge itself in his side and make him falter from the pain. Wels took this opportunity to push Tango off him, scrambling to his feet and glancing a thankful glance at Ren.

Someone suddenly kicked Ren to the ground and pressed a cold blade to his neck. Ren was met with Iskall's face and grinned. "I thought we were friends man," he whimpered mockingly, widely grinning all the while. "Betrayal hurts." Iskall chuckled light-heartedly. "Well guess what'll hurt more? My sword through your chest." He easily plunged the sword into Ren's chest, making the hybrid gargle blood for a moment before poofing into white smoke.

"Iskall!" Joe's voice called. He was still fending off Wels, trying his best to dodge the knight's attacks. "Little help?" Iskall stifled a laugh and rapidly fired a few arrows at Wels, making the blonde stumble in his fencing. A sword suddenly stabbed through his back and he vanished in a puff of white smoke, revealing Stress through the cloud of steam, smiling contently with her sword gripped in her hands.

A blur of green and white suddenly crashed into her, making her yelp and drop her sword. Doc wasted no time in plunging his blade through her throat, instantly jumping to attack Tango. A flash of red swerved from above and shot an arrow into Doc's back. Jevin used the distraction to easily kick Doc to the floor, Cleo quickly pinning him down.

Grian skidded to the ground and Cleo moved to the side, allowing the blonde to press his blade to Doc's throat. "Do you surrender?" he asked in a taunting tone, grinning slyly down at the hybrid.

Doc sneered. "Of course not," he scoffed. "Team S.T.A.R. will live on forever!"

Grian rolled his eyes playfully. "Then I guess I have no choice." He raised his sword. "Goodbye Doc."

He plunged it into Doc's neck.


this was gonna be some depressing shadow angst, but then i thought, "nah let's just do some normal hermit stuff for once" so here we are

(alsoit'smidnightbuti'mgoingtosleeprightnowiswear- )

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