Who to Trust? (one-shot)

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ahahaahahahaa im listening to music which is giving inspiration for  a n g s t -

(slight gore warning)


His chest gasped for more air as he watched. Thick, hot blood spilled from EX's neck for a moment before he vanished into white puffs of smoke, inventory spilling across the floor.

Iskall looked up at Grian. Tears stained the blonde's freckled cheeks and his gaze was dark with anger. Then realization seem to dawn on him as his eyes widened.

The staff floated next to him glitched out of existence and the purple veins crawled up his arms started cracking off. New tears started pouring down his cheeks, this time from blind sorrow not seething anger.

"EX," he whimpered, gripping his wavy locks tightly. "I didn't mean for this to happen... How could I be so sTUPID!" He slammed a fist to the ground, ignoring the pain that seared through it.

Iskall almost instinctively rushed forward to help, but stopped himself. If Grian did that to EX, what would he do to Iskall if he knew he'd saw? Even if he lied, if Grian knew he was lying he might... kill him. The very thought of it chilled the brunette.

If Grian hid this from him, from all of them, who was else was hiding secrets? He thought of all of his friends; Mumbo, Ren, Impulse, were they all lying?

His legs gave out and he collapsed to the ground in a broken heap. Who could he even trust anymore?


ur very welcome for some Iskall angst

(yowhatifididsomemoreDocangst- )


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