jealous joe idea

650 18 10

its midnight and i wanna get this idea out lmao

so ya know how it's very canon that EX is a big fangirl of Worm Man? Well I haven't talked about Worm Man at all (because i didn't know he existed lmao) but I thought "yo this gives me some good angst/semi-fluff/semi-smut ideas"

Joe gets jealous when EX fangirls over Worm Man and stuff so he does one of three things

-acts very possessive over EX (clinging to him, always making a point that they're boyfriends, etc)

-leaves hickies and other marks to entail that EX belongs to Joe

-confronts Worm Man/Zed about it (this either ends calmly or violently, you choose lol but im leaning towards violence soooo- )

listen, jealous joe just makes my heart melt alright? actually, jealous any hermit makes my heart melt who am i kidding-

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