punk x pastel AU

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*kicks down the door* i got this idea in the car and now im gonna feverishly write it down before it disappears

concept: this takes place in a highschool where half the hermits punk and half the hermits are pastel and the smoochies happen (im mature i swear)

-originally i got this idea for specifically Joe (punk) and EX (pastel) but then i was like "nah this works for every hermit let's do it"

-pastel Tango pastel Tango pastel Tango pastel Tango-

-*wheeze* anybody up for motherfucking punk Wels or punk Zed

-Zed would totally dye his hair partly purple because he's that extra

-i feel like both Ren and Doc would be pastel because they're both feral as fuck (also because punk Ren is just too much for this world)

-off topic but im liking Impulse's new shirt-

-Jevin's pastel, Wels' punk, Python's punk, and Jevin sure as hell gives the both of them flower crowns and sure as hell taught them how to make them

-pastel Cleo, pastel False, and punk Stress are the lowkey trouble makers of the class (ex: tying the handle part of the scissors together with zip ties)

-Grian's somewhere in the middle and i can't really decide what he should be but because i feel like he wouldn't change much if he was pastel, im making him fucking punk

-punk Mumbo is a tad bit cursed but whatever-

-punk Scar with lip piercings and a streak of his dyed black lowkey gives me life

-all the punks have their hair partly dyed with dark colors (Stress with half of it dark blue, Wels with a blue streak, i mean Mumbo's hair is already black i think he's good, ect)

-hhhhhhh can i say that basically all the pastels either wear a faux flower crown or have clips and whatnot in their hair?? because they do (Jevin has a flower crown of lavender, EX wears a different clip every day, Cleo and her forget-me-not flower crown, etc)

-*crying* p-punk Keralis-

-someone help i can't decide if Xisuma is punk or pastel-

-imagine that Iskall, though pastel, is still a hit-man in his spare time and Grian and Mumbo are needless to say very surprised as he fucking knocks someone out in one hit while wearing a mint green oversized sweater

-fun fact: normal PWJ is so soft that they're the only group with two punks instead of two pastels

-pastel Cub is still a bastard but he can be stopped by the power of anything shiny or Jellie

-because Jellie is Scar's cat, imagine that Scar got her one of those like spiked collars but then Cub made the name tag all glittery and cute so it looks really strange but charming at the same time-

-imagine someone like picks on one of the pastels and they're friends, to the bully, are immediately just like 'so you have chosen... d e a t h'

-this AU offers the potential for so much fluff and angst and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

-idk why but my brain's going "someone has anorexia?" so yeah that's a possible idea-


forgive me, i just really like highschool based AU -.-'

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