Exhausted Xisuma (one-shot)

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EX shivered a morning chill ran through him, quickly rushing into his brother's base. "Xisuma!" he called. "Where are you?"

A quiet murmur sounded from his bedroom and EX rushed over, fully pushing open the mostly closed door and stepping in. Xisuma was sat criss-cross style on his bed, not even looking up as he sluggishly typed out commands with one hand.

"Xisuma..." EX started, walking over and sitting down next to him. A concerned look was on the albino's face as he noticed the dark circles under his brother's eyes. "When was the last time you slept?"

The brunette looked to EX with half-lidded eyes, eventually shrugging and turning back towards his commands. "Eh, probably a few days," he muttered, blinking slowly. "Doesn't really matter though-"

"Yes is it does!" Xisuma jumped at his younger brother's sudden outburst, floating green command screen closing in his shock. EX blushed sheepishly and looked away. "I-I mean, it does matter. You always overwork yourself and stay up for an ungodly amount of hours."

Xisuma, now without the command screen distracting his eyes, sleepily rested his head on EX's shoulder, clinging to his arm. "It's fine EX," he murmured, still trying his best not to close his eyes.

EX rolled his eyes. "It's obviously not you dork."

Gently, he unwrapped Xisuma from his arm and laid him down on the bed, wrapping the soft covers around him. Xisuma instantly relaxed into the sheets, hazy eyes finally closing and his breathing deepening. EX watched quietly, smiling to himself and turning to leave the base.

"G'night big bro."


a short and sweet moment with Xisuma and EX (manishouldreallywritemoreforthemliketheyhavealotofpotential)

also this is based off the fact of, it's v late and im tired :')

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