Fanon V.S Canon

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hello and welcome to a new episode of Fanon V.S Canon! sit back and relax and we detail the differences and similarities between your favorite hermits and their fandom-ized counterparts! (also we're including my headcanons because why not :D)

if you have anything more to add to any of these, then feel free to add them! (i am not doing all of them because that would take forever :'))

~ Joe ~

Canon: dad figure to his viewers, pretty calm most of the time, when he's angry he has that disappointed dad voice that scares me, actually causes a lot of chaos but doesn't take much blame because of his tone of voice, has a pretty monotone voice (not that that's bad i actually like it), rhyme master, does a lot of silly things i feel like people don't give enough credit to, kickbutt friends with Cleo

Fanon: still a dad figure but this time to everyone on the server as well, poet/rhyme master, calm and collected, doesn't really partake in making the chaos just tries to prevent it, good friends with Cleo??? idk i just don't see many fanfics that showcase their friendship as a main thing, usually good friends with EX (from what i've seen)

My Headcanons: dad figure to a degree, poet, stubborn, can easily get emotionally overwhelmed, [redacted], walking thesaurus, him and Cleo are the best dynamic duo, has a cold tone of voice but loves everyone, [redacted][redacted][redacted][oh god the cringe]

~ Grian ~

Canon: mischievous dude, has a lot of fun playing/making games, he just wants to have fun, gremlin laugh, tbh not that hyperactive just kinda chaotic, unorganized, prankster, way too into roleplays ohmygod, dude's a pretty good actor

Fanon: full on gremlin, chaotic chaotic, unorganized, not a very good actor???, likes harassing Mumbo, possibly in love with Mumbo (some people ship it, some don't), hyperactive, w i n g s

My Headcanons: still a gremlin, hyperactive, all over the place, good actor, got his wings from the Watchers, wings act like gliders more than proper wings, doesn't try to be a problem to Mumbo but is one anyways, practically brothers with the other Architechs

~ Mumbo ~

Canon: spoon, gets confused/flustered in that laughy kinda way?? you know what i mean, terrible liar/actor (or at least that's what he shows), lowkey done with Grian, vibe check! *whacks you with trident*

Fanon: still a spoon, nervous wreck, anxious bby, desperately keeping Grian away from redstone, tired of Grian's antics but he loves him (romantically or platonically take your pick), can't lie to save his goddamn life

My Headcanons: spoon, worry wart, easily flustered, laughs easily, very tired of Grian's shit, sometimes he just lets Grian touch the redstone because hey it might blow up and kill him, clumsy, sir please lie better i swear to god-

~ EX ~

Canon: lovable dumbass, was evil and wanting to destroy hermitcraft for a bit but he cool now, likes to cause trouble, clone of Xisuma??? idk exactly what he is, was controlled by a voice for a while but the voice gave up after EX failed too many times (lmao)

Fanon: still a lovable dumbass, he is varying degrees of evil, sarcastic, sometimes a poet and sometimes good friends with Joe, sometimes he wants to destroy the server and the hermits alike, honestly there's such a spectrum for how he acts in fanon i literally can't write it all down-

My Headcanons: he's still a lovable dumbass, poet, [redacted], not actually a clone of Xisuma but Xisuma was told he was when he got him from the Watchers, albino, asexual, doesn't wear his mask or helmet because he doesn't like 'em, calls Xisuma his older brother

hhhhhhh i love them all so much my bbys 💕💕💕 also i surprisingly don't have much personality for Grian or Mumbo in my headcanons

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