Firework Fear (one-shot)

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aka this is me rn because i hate fireworks so much :')

idk what this setting is, just something with fireworks


Ren curled up in his bed, covering his sensitive wolf ears with the blanket. He hated fireworks and he especially hated how everyone on the entire damn server used them. The only reason he used them was because he was too impatient and wanted to be fast as possible.

The smell of the sooty gunpowder, the loud bursting noises right next to his ear, they always sent him into a panic.

But he never showed that to the others. They would just think him a coward. The mighty Ren wasn't a coward!-

A firework burst outside and he yelped, pressing the blanket closer to his ears. Ugh, curse those blasted things!

He could feel himself trembling from fear, a tight feeling welling up the back of his throat. Shakily, and with little effort, he started to hum a song to himself in a weak attempt to comfort himself.

"Ren?" a concerned voice asked. Shit.

Ren felt his face burn with shame and he burrowed himself further into the mess of cloth. "Leave me alone..." he muttered, voice slightly muffled from the blanket.

A weight sat next to him and he felt a hand gently stroke along his back. "Are you okay?" they asked softly.

"Of course I am!" he snapped, trying to stop himself from shaking. "I'm perfectly fine! Now leave me alone..."

The blanket was pulled off him, much to his dismay, and arms gently wrapped around him. "I don't know what's hurt you, but I'm here alright?" they assured softly.

Ren went rigid in their grip but slowly started relaxing, letting himself lean more on them and humming contently when they ran their fingers through his hair.

"Thanks," he murmured, nuzzling into the crook of their neck. His eyes drifted closed as darkness edged at his mind, tempting him deeper and deeper into sleep.

The person smiled and lay him back down on the bed, wrapping the blanket around him. "Sleep well Ren." Now he could recognize that familiar voice, without the haze of fear blocking him.

"Night, Doc..."


a lowkey vent on my part, but also we need some RenDoc fluff! I want to do some ZIT fluff with like Zed taking care of Impulse and Tango (also we need Doc fluff honestly the poor man just has too much angst- )


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