Colors of the Heart (one-shot/AU)

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He knew the dangers of what could happen... but he was just too curious.

For years he had experimented and studied how the colors worked, what happened exactly that caused this. His friends were anything but interested, telling him to leave it, but he couldn't.

It was known worldwide that people's eyes changed colors according to their emotions, leading to a big range of colors and the incapability to stay on one singular color for very long.

Though collecting data from his colleges, he'd figured out nearly every color possible. The obvious ones of course, yellow for happiness, red for anger, green for disgust, and blue for disappointment. Orange he'd discovered was for boredom and purple for intrigued. 

But it was the obscure emotions were the ones that truly peaked his interests. From one friend who had a daughter, he'd learned that children, upon first opening their eyes, have white eyes for about a minute.

Another friend who had experienced a lot of grief in his life, had told him about how in death people get black eyes and gray eyes are a sign of depression.

From friends who had only one eye, they said that the other eye which had been blind was a more muted and swampy color than the other, however it still changed colors.

Then a friend who often covered his eyes showed him something. Something truly fascinating.

His friend's brother had once had normal eyes like everyone else, changing between colors depending on emotions. But then something happened. A rift tore apart the two and caused a burning hatred inside his brother. During an argument, his brother's eyes stayed red the entire time.

But even after, they stayed red.

The friend thought his brother was just angry with him so he tried to fix things so his brother could feel other emotions. And his brother was happy! He'd even cried!

But his eyes stayed red.

He'd helped the two research and found a strange myth telling of people long ago who just had one eye color that never changed. They were of bland colors, brown, green, even gray, but people were happy with them. Some people were utterly fascinated with other's gray eyes while others prided themselves with their nearly black, dark brown eyes. A few even carried two completely different colored eyes!

He had been so fascinated by this that he'd interrogated his friend about everything he knew about his brother. His friend had said that his brother was albino, which meant that he was born with white hair, paler skin, and the tendency to be short tempered and get red eyes much more frequently.

After some research, he'd learned that in the myth of naturally colored eyes, albino had been people who were like theirs, except that they were born with red eyes and had them their entire. So did that mean that his friend's brother had somehow gotten natural eyes?

Well he was going to find out.


an AU where your eye color changes depending on your emotion! and our dear Mumbo is trying to find out the mysteries behind naturally colored eyes!

alternatively, this could be told from Doc's POV and he's trying to figure out the mystery which could lead to a very different storyline since they're personalties are so different


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