my thoughts on S6 ending

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*kicks down the door* IM SO SAD

it literally never properly occurred to me that S6 would end and im so freaking sad because Scar just ended his series, Cleo said S6 is ending soon, Grian is ending his series, some people have already left, Python's not returning, aAAHHHHH

anyways, welcome to "My Thoughts on S6 Ending" ft. gross sobbing

okay so just to get it out of the way, im going to address Rulebreakers in the Rulebreakers book so ya'll don't have to listen to me ramble about it here -.-' 

my brain is having a fucking panic attack because it's like "who's leaving?? who's coming?? will i know the people who are coming in??" also im very aggressively praying that someone from ZIT doesn't leave or I'll have a goddamn heart attack (and possibly commit a hate crime (im joking i swear))

what if ilmango joins and Mumbo and him just become the gods of the server


my brain's hopping around with the idea of "what if Grian, when he goes through the server hopping portal thing, includes something with the Watchers because yes??" so that's fun

im desperately praying someone like LDShadowLady or Aphmau or possible ItsFunneh and the Krew join but that's highly unlikely but im still praying

updates for this book (A Lot More Hermitcraft Stuff) will be slow and delayed because i'd like part 200 (the end) to be a one-shot about everyone leaving through the portal when S6 properly ends (if that's how it works idk)

in the next Hermitcraft idea book i write, i'll be including all the new hermits and writing about them, but this means i won't be working with hermits who have left; i might write about them a little bit but most likely not (this includes Python ;-;)


*gross sobbing*

having another panic attack because "what if Joe leaves?! or Ren?! or Doc?! or aNYONE?!?!??!!??!!"

i will most likely be including EX in my next HC idea book because i love him (also bc if i can write about him in S6, i can fucking write about him in S7)

that feels so weird so be saying S7, god im freaking the fuck out

oh wow for once i actually get to watch as S7 happens (unlike S6 where i joined the fandom near the end of the damn series)



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