Doc and Ren's shadows

755 27 14

fucking damnit i forgot about these two, how the fuck-

Doc's shadow is Daze. Daze is hyper aggressive and seeks to harm everyone, deliberately looking for shadows to fight. He works with Game because he wants to become real and cause havoc on all the real players. He's the second smallest shadow, about an inch taller than Terror.

Ren's shadow is Rift. Rift is shy and a huge pushover, never wanting to say no in case he makes someone upset. He and Corrupt are friends, another shadow who works under everyone (but for different reasons), and the two tend to hang out. Rift is also one of the only shadows who can communicate in any way with Warp since the other shadow is so aggressive; they talk via sign language.

me: what should Doc's shadow be called? Demise? Default?
my brain:  D A R R L Y
me: *snort*

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