Modern AU

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i've been working on homework for a long freaking time and rn i just need to relax with a nice and simple AU

Modern AU where all the hermits live in a modern day-to-day life (also they all live in the same apartment complex because reasons)

also also, please note that some of this may be incorrect because im literally taking all my knowledge off of the Hermitcraft wiki lmao (that's how not up-to-date i am)

Mumbo: a technician who collects terrariums in his spare time, lives right next to Grian, has a small bonsai tree, runs a small online business called Sahara with Grian and Iskall where they sell every small trinket you can imagine, the one everyone comes to when their technology breaks

Grian: an architech by day and a major pranker by night, found the complex via Mumbo and is the newest person in the building, unofficial head of the Sahara, usually found pranking other apartments by placing eggs all over them, has learned to make knitted birds and now has tons of them covering everywhere, has a stuffed chicken he named Sally

Iskall: his apartment's always chilly, was invited by Grian into helping with Sahara, created little bags with snacks and energy drinks called Sahara Fuel, this is all the wiki has given me i need some help lmao

Ren: wears sunglasses all the time just to be fashionable, made a 3D chicken army that caused the wifi to lag out, has created a pulley system for the hermits to deliver mail up and down to each other, False nearly filed a restraining order against him with how much he flirts, receives the most valentines and gives the most valentines

Doc: something something stock exchange something something, made a small organization with Scar called "Area 77" where they stole anything possibly alien-related from hermits while they were at work (including Grian's 3D printed "time machine"), owns a pitchfork to vibecheck people with as Xisuma banned tridents from the building after Doc once nearly beheaded Ren

Zed: took residency in Python's flat at the beginning of the year because his apartment got soaked through with rain water, sold crystals and shorts and raspberries as a means of helping Python pay rent while he resided in his flat, coded a small video game called "Duck!!" for all the hermits to try and beat each other's high scores

Impulse: currently roommates with Zed and Tango, sells guides to the hermits on stuff from cooking recipes to how to fix your couch, gave out colorful accessories to the "alive" people during Demise just so they could flaunt their alive-ness

Tango: originally only came to the apartment complex to help Mumbo with some tech stuff but ended up fully moving in about a year later, created the "How To Prank A Tango" challenge (based off Doc's own challenge a few years back) where Tango was blindfolded then people had to try and prank him in the best way they could, worked with Impulse to try and un-trap pranks during Demise

Jevin: has a fidget spinner poster on his door just for kicks, okay i've literally been given nothing from the wiki please help

Python: sells hand-grown flowers and flower pots to his friends for a very low price, made it his mission to make a bunch of different terrariums for the different floors, Aquatic Dome was an aquarium with fishies and glass dome-like houses for them, Tower Bay was a collection of small towers made from different materials (3D printing, wood, etc), the Lake of Life was a small glassy pool with tons of greenery surrounding it, also hi yes im crying over the fact that Python said he won't be coming back for season 7 but maybe season 8 so don't mind me

Wels: works as a mailman, was the first one to set up the complex's discord chat before it was redone, made a super freaking cool wooden train set thing on a big board with tracks and stuff, how the hell do i incorporate a factory and a suburban house into this AU, streams on twitch in his spare time

Cub: has a business with Scar called ConCorp run by their company ConVex, has drones with cameras that he uses to spy on people, master baker, literally challenged people to target him during Demise which eventually led to his demise, learned to make knitted cats and made tons of copies of Jellie but with different collars and made a small cardboard cat-stand platform for them

Scar: spent a ton of time carving and painting a wooden volcano island with pirate ships and tiny wooden people on it, the master of wood carving in the building, made and painted a wood carved island and covered it in black sand and made it his phone stand, turned his apartment gym-themed during halloween for whatever reason

mkay listen im tired rn and kinda blanking on everyone else so here's just some notes lol

-the Civil War was literally just what it was; a prank war where everyone was being chaotic

-the Nether Hub and stuff is just their discord chat

-the Grian Head Hunt was where Grian printed out small photos of his face and hid them everywhere then waited to see who won

-Demise was another prank war where someone would prank you, let you know somehow that you had been "demised", and then you had to wear all gray/black/a little bit of white clothing and prank everyone else (some people just went simple with gray clothes while Ren's out here buying a scythe from Party City's halloween sale)

-Hippies made posters and protested and shit to try and take down Area 77, also they wore the hippie style clothing they wore in actual hermitcraft

-Idea is a little online business that Keralis and BDubs and Xisuma made

-Xisuma is the landlord and is 90% done with everyone's shit

-EX is Xisuma's younger brother that comes to visit every so often

-Dragon Bros was just people putting crappy black caps with purple dragon eyes drawn on with marker on people's heads but oh look it became a literal cult and now everyone in the building is mildly terrified

-by the end of Demise, the entire building was a fucking disaster and Xisuma was literally ready to kick them all out

when writing AUs like this, you don't even understand how much research i have to do to make things semi-accurate like honestly it's ridiculous-

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