Musical of Our Lives (songfic??)

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i've no idea what this exactly is but it's kinda a songfic??? (nearly wrote songfuc lmao)


He blushed as Doc pulled him closer. Most would be terrified of the hybrid's rage, but Ren couldn't help but find it kinda hot. "I told you that I'm working," Doc hissed, eyes narrowed. Ren looked back at him with sultry eyes. "Sorry Doc~" he purred, winking. Doc raised an eye brow curiously, his grimace curling into a smirk. "You've been a very bad boy, you know~?" Doc growled. He suddenly slammed Ren up against a wall, feeling his heavy breathing against his face. Scar's voice suddenly called for Doc, gesturing him over. The creeper hybrid took one last look at Ren before dropping him to the ground, turning away with a smirk. "Don't think you'll be getting away with this~" Ren smiled with hazy eyes. "I wouldn't dream of it~"

Cub watched as Scar shuffled through his shulkers, looking for god-knows-what. "Need help?" Cub offered, stepping forward. "No no! Stay back!" Scar exclaimed, shooing him away. "It's a surprise!" Cub shrugged but listen to the brunette, folding his arms and leaning against the wall. Scar's emerald green eyes lit up and he tugged something from the shulker box. "Found it!" In his hand was a bundle of small deep blue flowers with pointed tips on their five petals, thin green stalks swaying from even the slightest movements. Scar delicately gripped them in his hand and rushed over to Cub, holding out the flowers. "For you!" he exclaimed, smiling brightly. Cub's eyes widened slightly as he graciously took the flowers. "Th-thank you Scar..." he murmured, looking at the vibrantly colored plant. "Where did you even find these? I've never seen anything like them..." Scar chuckled, grinning slyly. "You could say that they're a... gift from Iskall," he purred. Realization dawned on Cub and he smirked. "Well thank you my partner in crime."

Dance Monkey
Keralis spun through the air, wind rushing past him as he dipped and dived, precariously balancing a shulker box in his arms. BDubs walked below him, another shulker box tucked under his arm. Keralis' shulker box shifted and pickaxe tumbled from it, lightly crashing into the grass at BDub's feet. He chuckled and picked up the tool, stuffing it into his own shulker box. "Sorry Bubbles!" Keralis called from above, flashing an apologetic smile. BDubs smiled back. "It's fine!" he assured. "Just be careful!" The two continued on their way, enjoying the silence between them that was only split with the gentle rustling of the wind. BDubs watched Keralis twirled through the air, one hand on his hat so it didn't fall away and the other holding his shulker close to his chest. A sharp cracking noise split through the air and Keralis was sent tumbling through the air, the now broken elytra wavering on his back. BDubs dropped his shulker box and darted forward, arms outstretched. Keralis clumsily landed in his arms, swaying slightly from the sudden shock of it all. BDubs chuckled and lightly moved his hat to balance on his head again. "You did a good job being careful." Keralis nodded, too dazed to properly process what he had said.


me: let's do some fluffy/flirty stuff with songs!
my brain: angel of darkness Grian angel of darkness Grian angel of darkness Gri

another song that could fit with RenDoc/ConVex (because all of them are horny like i stg) is Grind Me Down... you can probably guess how that would fucking end-

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