little hermit headcanons

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it's part 190 again ;-;

some notes on little headcanons and moments that the hermits've had

-Mumbo can play ukulele and him and Grian have definitely sung "Peace And Love (On The Planet Earth)" together

-Python can speak fluent french and likes to call his bfs "mon amour" or "ma cherie" (also because i can't stop imagining Python singing Derniere Danse??)

-Wels can play flute and him and Python do duet sometimes

-Tango has picked up some japanese because he's a fucking weeb

-Zed reads manga and probably has a collection of hentai

-Grian tends to fidget by stretching or fiddling with the loose strings on his sweater

-Impulse owns bright crocs just for the hell of it and he actually does wear them on valentines day

-i figured out a substitute for Xisuma's helmet, a mask over his mouth and headphones

-Cub can piano and him and Scar duet a ton

-Xisuma once managed to convince EX to duet with Joe and Joe forced him to duet the song "It's Not Like I Like You"

-Xisuma and EX have little turtle tails, with Xisuma's being green and EX's being white

-Python has patches of scales on his cheeks and a lizard-like tail

-Wels has made a lot of the hermits custom weapons, at a price of course, and when Doc accidentally chucked his trident into fire during the Area 77 thing Doc was so sad because it cost him a lot

-Grian's wings will instinctively curl around him when he's nervous or sad

-Joe can play the harmonica and xylophone just because

-Ren's ears will droop and his tail hang limply behind him when he's sad, but when he's nervous his tail will curl around his leg and his ears will flatten

-Scar can handle a lead like a full on cowboy lasso

-Stress once experimented with a side shave and all her friends were like "who are you and what have you done to Stress" (it looked good, they just were very surprised)

-Zed knows how to pole dance, so do Ren and Grian

-EX once dyed the bottom half of his hair black and Xisuma freaked the fuck out, sobbing "my baby brother's been tainteddddd"

-most of the hybrids have what they call "beast mode" which usually activates under high stress situations and a lotta anger

-Xisuma's literally just a walking band

-if Ren gets hurt (emotionally), Doc goes into full on yandere mode

-when Grian tries to flirt, which he certainly can do, people will blush and just painfully laugh because he's too smol and chaotic to make anyone swoon

-meanwhile with Ren, he can literally make any of the guys absolutely swoon for him (trust me, he's tried on the girls)

-on a totally unrelated note, Stress can make Ren swoon (a fact she completely takes advantage)

-Python used to use Tango as a personal heater, especially when winter came around, but now that Wels is a demon hybrid he has even more excuses for possessively clinging to him

-Keralis is rather possessive with BDubs and if anyone tries to take him away or make a move, he will not hesitate to give BDub's hickies and give the other person some death threats in the sweetest voice

-Doc has many modes, one of which includes soft mode which usually occurs when people give him genuine compliments or Ren catches him while he's sleepy; basically he just absolutely melts and gets all dazed out and blushes and smiles softly and-

-Wels and False like sparing a lot and have taken the challenges of 'spare underwater' or 'spare at the top of Scar's mountainside'

-Cleo's the type to go into taiga's just to hang out with all the wild wolves there

-summarizing ZIT in a few words: hopeless flirt, horny bastard, and flustered bean

-Architechs in a few words: single flirt, single bastard, and single bean-

-the happier he is, the bigger and fancier of word's Joe'll use

-alternatively, the angrier he is, the more he'll cuss and very simple language

-off topic but can i just say that EX in a steampunk style sounds awesome??

-Joe, master of oragami-

-Tango and Zed have filmed a rip-off of those Guy Fieri shows and Impulse the cameraman and heavily judging them

-Jevin's always the big spoon for Python and Wels and you cannot talk me out of it

-when he's mad at his bfs, Jevin just sulks in the corner with his arms crossed and faced away from them

-literally any of the hermits?? with social anxiety??? it's more likely than you think-

-Cleo has so much gold from her pirate pioneering that she just sews different trinkets into parts of her clothing and wears as much jewelry as acceptable just to flaunt

-Grian has a big gap in the front of his teeth and Python has one of the side, either way both can whistle and annoy the fuck out of everyone else

-you not believe the ridiculousness that happens around halloween, from pumpkin carving to actually haunted haunted houses, they go all out (maybe too all out)

-Joe has started a penny jar for whenever he sees someone flirting and it's gotten to about 4 and a half jars, each jar being about half a foot tall

Cub over here speaking the language of memes and emojis, my son what are you doing im going to murder you-

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