Sleepyheads (one-shot)

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is anybody else's notifications being literal jack-shit rn??? mine haven't been working at all today and the little icons for inbox, notifications, etc are gone :/


The smell of fresh coffee drifted into the room, making Impulse sleepily raise his head from where it lay on Zed's chest. Blinking away the blurriness covering his vision, the brunette untangled himself from his boyfriend's arms and trudged into the kitchen.

"Morning Impulse!" Tango greeted cheerfully, a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. Impulse waved back, smiling tiredly at his boyfriend. "How're you always so-" He was cut off by a gaping yawn. "So awake in the morning...? I'm over here dying and you're over there vibing."

Tango shrugged, taking another bite of cereal. "I dunno," he replied. "I guess I'm just vibin' with my cereal."

Impulse nodded and dragged his feet over to Tango, resting his head on the blonde's and sleepily wrapping his arms around his neck. "Your hair's soft..." he muttered, stifling a yawn as he closed his eyes and nuzzling Tango.

Tango smirked and raised a hand to tap Impulse's arm, an orange glow radiating from his fingertip. The brunette yelped at the sudden sting and stumbled backwards, eyes wide awake. "Tango!" he exclaimed, grinning.

"Oops, my bad!" Tango laughed, sticking out his tongue playfully. "Guess I'm just too hot for you!"

Impulse rolled his eyes and leaned down to peck Tango on the cheek. "You're never too hot for me babe," he purred, chuckling as Tango's face flushed slightly red.

Scar opened his eyes half-way as sunlight filtered into his room, the bright light blinding him momentarily as he blinked away sleep. Jellie was curled up beside him with her tail over her nose, one eye opening as he shifted the blankets slightly.

He gently lifted Jellie up in his arms and dragged himself into the living room. "I hate the mornings," he grumbled, eyes narrowed against the weak morning light.

"Who needs morning when you can stay up all night?" Scar jumped at the voice, dropping Jellie by accident, and spun around, eyes wide with surprise.

Cub was sat at the kitchen table, a book in his hand and dark rings under his eyes. He smiled cheerfully and closed his book, rushing to hug his boyfriend. "Good morning babe," he purred, pecking Scar on the cheek.

"Mornin' Cub," the brunette muttered back, too tired to be affected by any of his boyfriend's subtle flirts. "Did you sleep last night?"

"Ah, no not really," Cub replied, smiling bashfully. "Jellie came to check on me once, but I was too invested in my book and ideas."

"You really should sleep babe," Scar murmured, sleepily pecking Cub on the cheek. "It's not good for you to stay up so much..."

Jellie rubbed up against Cub's leg and meowed, looking up at him with wide eyes. Scar giggled and picked her up, gently scratching under her chin. "See? Jellie agrees withe me."

"Fine fine," Cub sighed, smiling tiredly. "I'll get a nap later today or something. Or if you're up for it... cuddles?"

The brunette snapped his head up and grinned, wide awake now. "Of course cuddles!" he exclaimed, eyes bright. "Always cuddles!"

Cub chuckled at his childish boyfriend. "You're so cute, ya know?" Scar blushed light pink and shrugged, smiling shyly and trying to conceal his embarrassment. "Th-thanks..."

Cub leaned forward and booped their noses together, chuckling. "Any time."


hhhhhhhhhh i love the sleepy bois <3

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