Invasion (one-shot/AU)

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to give some context for this AU, Tango is the Nether king, Zed is The End king

(warning: gore and angst)


"My lord!" an Watcher gasped, teleporting beside him and bowing. "Something terrible has happened!"

"What?!" Zed snapped, standing up abruptly. "Are we in danger?!"

"Grave danger my lord!" the Watcher proclaimed. "The portal! It has turned to the depths of the Nether! Wither skeleton and pigmen are invading!"

Zed's eyes widened and he nodded, a serious look on his face. "Gather all the endermen and Watchers. We must fight." Without another word, he teleported up to the top of one tall obsidian pillars beside the mighty Ender Dragon.

He stared down at the smoking skeletons and rotting pigmen as they heaved their way out of the now lightly swirling portal, golden swords gleaming against the dull light of the void. Leading the horde was a blonde with dark red horns and a sharp thin tail lashing behind him, a smoking, hefty black sword gripped in his hand.

Zed swiftly teleported down and summoned his own swords; two thin black blades with violet spiraling down from the tips, a flurry of purple particles in a multitude of shades drifting around them.

"You dare come here?" Zed challenged, glaring into the prince's dark red eyes. "Prince Tango. You dare try and invade my dimension? Leave now or you will face the consequences."

Tango sneered back at the shorter. "We have come to claim this dimension as our own," he growled menacingly. "And we will be taking it."

The purple-eyed prince scowled. "Your choice."

He suddenly let out an ear-piercing shriek and a mighty roar echoed through the air in response. The night black dragon dived down and opened her jaws, spraying violently glowing purple flames across the crowd of mobs. Pigmen growled in pain and wither skeleton bones clattered against one another, trying to keep from turning to ash.

A sharp cry sounded and a brightly burning fireball crashed into the soaring dragon, knocking her back as flames splashed against her corse scales. She roared with anger and dove at the ghast, shooting swirling violet flames at the slowly floating mob.

Endermen suddenly started zapping around the battlefield, swiftly slashing at the pigmen with sharp black claws. Golden swords clashed with the void-like claws, creating a cacophony of noises. Two Watchers teleported out of the End City portal and dove at the wither skeletons, staffs in hand as they clashed against stone swords.

Zed teleported behind Tango and slashed at his back, then teleported in front of him and kicked him in the stomach. Tango lurched backwards, skidding roughly against the end stone, and swiftly brought up his sword, clinking against Zed's blades.

In a sudden surge of strength, Tango shoved the other prince off him and kicked him backwards, scrambling to his feet. He darted forward and sliced straight across Zed's chest, flames from the blade turning the skin around the cut crispy and blackened. Zed screeched in pain, but still faced Tango with a brave face.

The Nether prince grinned wickedly and stabbed his flame-tipped sword through Zed's arm, causing blood to spill from the charred skin. The enderman hybrid stumbled backwards and his swords slipped from his fingers, clattering quietly against the pale yellow stone as they skidded away.

Tango pressed his blade to Zed's neck, flames lapping harshly at the soft skin, and sneered down at the blonde. "I win," he chuckled lowly, a taunting glint in his eye.

The End prince glared upwards, wincing as red flames burned into him. Using the last of his strength, Zed weakly dug his claws into Tango's leg. The prince flinched, loosening his grip slightly, and shifted slightly to move away from Zed's claws.

Zed tossed him off abruptly, scowling. "I won't give up," he growled. Scrambling to his feet, he raced towards The End portal, flickering in and out of teleportation, and desperately leaped into the sparkling black void that was starting to return from the Nether portal it once was.

"You'll pay for this Tango Tek."


geez im really starting to major in Zed angst goddamn it-

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