Hermit shadows

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i just wanted talk about all the Hermits' shadows :') (not an AU btw, just a headcanon thingy)

first all, to explain how the shadows work, they're basically a representation of their player's negative thoughts. Physically they look like a copy of their player in dark gray shades and pure red glowing eyes. Shadows grow taller the more fears and negative feelings their player has. Also I swear I didn't try to copy the Shadow AU on hermitblr, i made this before i found out about it ;-;

To start, Impulse's shadow is Intercept. Intercept is the friendliest and most passive of all the shadows and gets along with Impulse well. He's nervous, shy, and constantly overthinks things, though he can defend himself and has a sharp tongue.

Mumbo's shadow is Memory. Memory is a blunt, sarcastic little shit with no patience. He really hates that Mumbo can see shadows and is constantly putting him down, convincing him to not tell anyone about the shadows by using Mumbo's flaws and fears to his advantage.

Grian's shadow is Game. Game is cunning, wicked, and most of all highly aggressive. He likes to think of himself as the leader and uses force to push other shadows to work with him. He's one of the taller shadows, but not the tallest on the server.

Iskall's shadow is Insidious. Insidious is snarky and likes to push the others shadows and his player around. He has a burning hatred for Game and often works with Scar and Cub's shadows to try and thwart him.

Tango's shadow is Terror. Terror is a nasty little bitch who overthinks things, making his plans and words almost perfect and without any other possible outcomes other than what he said. He's the smallest shadow and despises the taller shadows, teaming up with other small shadows to try and overthrow the taller ones.

Zed's shadow is Zero. Zero has an extremely short fuse and is constantly in a bad mood, quickly resorting to violence if others don't cooperate with him immediately. He's known for pushing others beyond their limit and temporarily breaking them. He's the second tallest shadow on the server.

Scar's shadow is Spite. Spite always seems uninterested in things, always thinking of the worst possible outcomes from situations. He only works with other shadows because he enjoys seeing others fail which is why he wants to see Game fall because Spite knows Game's pride will instantly be destroyed.

Cub's shadow is Corrupt. Corrupt is sadistic and cunning, using manipulation and lies to get others exactly where he wants them to be. He picks no sides, choosing to work with whoever wants vengeance on another. He's on the smaller side, so he works with Terror as well as Spite and Insidious.

Xisuma's shadow is Xyresic. Xyresic seems to hate everyone and has a short fuse, often snapping quickly at anyone who doesn't listen or protests against him. He's quick to get violent and refuses to work with anyone unless it's in his benefit. He's one of the taller shadows.

EX's shadow is Exploit. Exploit is a nervous wreck who hardly speaks, unless it's to EX. He's self conscious and hates it when people stare at him for too long, often bursting out and yelling at them. He works under Game, but isn't afraid to speak out against him.

Joe's shadow is Joke. Joke never takes things seriously and loves to push everyone to their limit, a cheshire-grin plastered on his face the entire time. He works with Game, but mainly for the fun of seeing others pushed beyonds their limits. He's one of the smaller hermits, a bit taller than Terror, but ensures that no one underestimates him.

Cleo's shadow is Chaos. Chaos is always in a rush and rash, never having time to properly finish things as she leaves behind half-finished projects. She absolutely despises Joke and has given up on trying to cooperate with him, quickly turning to violence if he tries to push it. One of the smaller shadows, but doesn't work with Terror and instead tries to get rid of Joke.

False's shadow is Fault. Fault always talks with a harsh, venomous, and degrading tone. She avoids all the other shadows and rarely speaks to them. She hates Impulse for being able to control shadows, often backfiring his plans whenever he tries to use her for attacks. She's on the taller side, but definitely not one of the tallest.

Stress' shadow is Scorn. Scorn is short tempered and quick to get into fights. She despises anyone who talks down to her, which is most of the shadows, and holds grudges against them for a long time. She works with Insidious, but only to overthrow Game; they otherwise don't get along too well.

Keralis' shadow is Kooky. Kooky is jumpy and immature, never listening to what others say. He hates how the others treat him like a child and is constantly fighting with them, either verbally or physically. He doesn't take lightly to being offended and holds onto grudges forever.

BDub's shadow is Bleak. Bleak has zero patience for anything he dislikes, usually yelling sharp insults at anyone who tries to speak with him. He gets along fine with Kooky, but hates how jittery and thin-skinned he is. Bleak just wants to be alone and often shoves Kooky away from him.

Jevin's shadow is Jealousy. Jealousy is overprotective of the smaller shadows and attacks anyone who hurts them. Even if he's on the taller side, he still works with Terror to try and overthrow those jerks of tall shadows who think they're all heigh and mighty.

Wels' shadow is Warp. Warp is extremely hostile to everyone and attacks anyone who even tries to talk back to him. He's distant and most of the shadows haven't even heard him speak directly to him, only to Wels.

Python's shadow is Parody. Parody is feared by all the shadows, including Game. He's manipulative and aggressive, not afraid to break someone so they'll do what he wants. He's the tallest shadow on the server.

Some of the shadows have special powers because of how strong they are, however these powers only effect other shadows, not players.

Game is able to throw other shadows around like they're rag dolls. He's also able to hold them down or even choke them without even touching them.

Joke can read other shadows' minds and loves to toy with their thoughts. He's one of the few shadows who uses other shadows to manipulate players who aren't his.

Zero has the ability to make illusions of himself. He often uses his power to make it seem as though he's still following his player, when in fact he's messing up other shadows.

Parody's power is being able to follow around Python while also being able to replace other shadows. When any shadow gets on his bad side, or he wants some fun, he'll replace another shadow for as long as he wants until he's bored again. He mostly picks on the more passive shadows, letting them watch their players get absolutely wrecked.

small reminder that this exists in my normal headcanon hermitcraft...  A N G S T   F U E L  also im(not)sorryPython-

also also check out the Shadow AU on tumblr by mine-sara-sp! it's super damn great!

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