Heated Shadows (one-shot)

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okay i know part 169 isn't here yet but listen i got this idea and i just-


Memory was... confused to say the least. For past few days he'd seen many shadows just wandering around! And in open daylight! So he'd decided to confront Rift about it when he saw the shadow nervously walking around.

"Rift." The shadow jumped at the noise and spun around, squirming uncomfortably. Memory noticed that his face was flushed darker than normal and he was fidgeting more, but Memory ignored it. "What's happening?" he asked, glaring at the anxiety-ridden shadow. "Why are all the shadows just, wandering around?!"

Rift looked surprised, then nodded to himself. "Right, you're Mumbo's shadow," he muttered, looking away and nervously stroking his hair. "Uh well, there's currently something called Heat that's going around the server. It's when the uh, hybrids go into a uh..." He looked down and his face blushed darkened.

"Heat? Isn't that when..." Realization dawned on Memory and his faced flushed as well. "So you're avoiding your players because..."

"Because they keep having sex," Rift whimpered, flattening his ears. "What makes it worse is that I have Ren... who's boyfriends with Doc..." Memory winced, knowing how horny the two could be even if they weren't in Heat.

"Wait, does it effect shadows?" Memory asked curiously. Rift buried his face in his hands from embarrassment and nodded, tail curling around his leg. "It effects shadows differently," Rift murmured. "Shadows can't really have um, have sex, so we just get horny and stuff..."

"So how does that work?" Memory continued, ignoring Rift's discomfort. "If you're horny, can't you just like... jack off?"

Rift nodded shyly. "I usually ask Warp for help," he muttered, twirling his hair absentmindedly. He straightened up and nervously made eye contact with Memory. "I-I've gotta go... uh, bye I guess..."

The nervous shadow turned to leave, and Memory suddenly noticed his tail. He faintly recalled hybrid parts being sensitive so he gently tugged on the shadow's tail. Rift let out something that was between a yelp and a moan, and whipped around, eyes wide and face blushed dark. "D-don't do that," he whispered. Then he quickly fled.

Memory was left alone with his thoughts and all he could say was:



poor Rift im so sorry bby that you had to endure the shadow spoon-

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