Guardian of the Land (one-shot)

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inspired by cactus-block, theguardiansofredland, and star-captain on tumblr, welcome to my self-insert/persona-insert one-shot

(a few notes before we start so ya'll aren't confused: Aim can kinda poof on and poof off her wings, she often changes outfits/i can never decide on an outfit for her so that's why her outfit is different here, she has an eye visor with green glass that can be used to open up search bars and shit; im gonna do an updated persona thing soon i promise lmao)


Her long black hair waving in the wind, she casually soared through the air, making the white half of her hair fly out behind her. She'd never been too interested in the hermits, despite always having a perfect view of them with her midnight-black wings.

One of the few times she'd paid attention was when the Hippies had covered Area 77's land in flowers, not leaving a single grass block uncovered. She hadn't liked how unnatural it had looked, but at least the grass had something covering it. When Doc and Scar had torn them all up, she'd tried to save as many as she could to replant elsewhere.

When Demise had started, Aim actually started watching the hermits (from a distance of course). It was amusing, the first two, watching them do the dares and eventually demise.

Poor Ren, Aim mused, watching as Grian broke down into laughter when Ren's items scattered across the pristine floor. Don't they know that bubble columns provide air? she thought as Grian stared in shock at the bubble tube and Stress could barely breathe through her fit of giggles.

Then Xisuma's demise came around and left her absolutely enraged. Soaring above the speeding admin, she had expected him to be demised seeing as Ren was the once who had invited him over, but she hadn't expected the ending to be blown to smithereens as Xisuma's items were sent skidding along the ice.

All that wild life torn up for the build, all the time put into making it, only for it to be blown to a crisp?! Aim couldn't believe it and quickly fled from the scene, fuming with rage. Why couldn't Ren have just set a dispensers trap with potions?! Or a trap that dropped him into lava?! Was it really necessary to set up a fuck ton of TNT?!

She sighed, slightly pissed off as she remembered the demise. Thankfully the last demise, Jevin's, hadn't caused any real harm with the only thing being damaged was his dignity. White text suddenly popped up in the corner of her vision, making her jump slightly in surprise.

> GoodTimeWithScar was slain by The Grey Skins

Hastily adjusting the black scarf the draped loosely over her arms, she opened up the search bar on her visor, checking for latest demise traps. There! Ren and Stress had recently set a trap at iTrade for someone to fall into. Following her only current lead, Aim darted through the air and straight towards iTrade.

With the wind rushed through her ears and blew back her hair, she thought about the death message. Slain by The Grey Skins? That means he must have been killed by a name-tagged mob...

Nearing iTrade, she could quickly tell something was off, what with the portal completely being covered in... something that she assumed was black concrete. Grabbing her iron pickaxe from her neatly sorted inventory, Aim dug through and quickly found the pit Scar had most likely dropped into.

Reluctantly digging further into the ground (as to not fall into the pit and risk dying) she found a pit full of muddled water and... tiny pufferfish. Aim gasped and instantly fumbled to grab her water bucket out of her pocket. Leaning down to scoop one of the pufferfish out, she heard the popping noise of dead pufferfish falling into her inventory.

Glancing back one last time, Aim sadly built back up from the trap and repaired what she had broken, disappointed she couldn't free all the pufferfish without looking suspicious. Aim promised to herself to build the her new son a home later, but right now, she had a bone to pick with a few hermits.

She quickly took to the skies and headed towards Stress' castle, being it one of the only places she vaguely knew the location of. The feathers on Aim's wings gradually fell as she walked through the castle, eventually leaving nothing behind as even the feathers themselves turned to empty air on the ground.

"Stress!" she snapped, her voice echoing through the halls. "Where the hell are you?!"

Footsteps pattered down the hallway and the brunette rushed to face her, hastily throwing on some armor and whipping out her sword with a wary gleam in her eyes. "Who are you?!" she demanded, glaring up at Aim.

"That's not important," Aim hissed, baring her teeth in a snarl as her fingers turned to sharp black claws. "I'm here to ask why you crammed all those pufferfish in that tiny water pool near iTrade. Do you even know how many died in there?"

Stress narrowed her eyes, trying to mask her confusion with suspicion. "You didn't answer my question," she retorted. "Who are you? And how did you know about that the trap was made by me?"

Aim's gaze softened and she relaxed her stance, putting her claws behind her back as friendly gesture. "Why don't we make a deal?" she suggested, smiling slightly. "You answer my questions, then I'll answer yours."

The hermit hesitated for a moment before nodding, sword still gripped tightly in her hand. "Alright. So uh, what were your questions again?"

"Why did you cram all those pufferfish in that tiny puddle near iTrade? Did you even know that they started entity cramming?"

"Well I needed to do it for a prank," she explained slowly, seemingly confused by the question. "I know they started entity cramming, but that at least showed me there was the maximum amount of fish in there. Besides, there's an infinite amount of pufferfish in the sea-"

"And yet that makes it right for you to kill buckets of them?" Aim interrupted, a dangerous glint in her eye.

Stress fidgeted uncomfortably, averting her dark brown gaze. "I mean... yes?" she replied, unsure of what she should say. She decided to quickly change the subject instead. "Now answer my questions. Who are you and how did you know it was me who set the trap?"

The noirette in front of her grinned and brought up her hand in front of her, showing the crossed fingers. "Never trust a stranger, dear Stress"

In an instant, Aim whipped out her leg and expertly kicked Stress in the stomach, sending her recoiling to the floor. She harshly uncurled the brunette's fingers from her sword and threw it across hall, making it skid along the ground.

Standing over Stress, the shadows ominously brought out her dark brown eyes that glinted behind her pale green eye visor, half-white hair glimmering in the icy light and her black scarf over her steampunk-style dress shadowed in darkness.

Grinning, she raised her claw and swung down quick and fast. Stress gasped as the claws narrowly missed her eyes, slightly ruffled the hair brushed over her face. Aim smiled and jumped off her. "See ya Stress," were her last words before fleeing down the hallway, leaving a very shocked and sore Stress lying on the floor.


oops this was accidentally super fucking long, sorry (also i swear i'll do a persona update soon just gimme some time- )

*yells in i hate school why can't it be the weekend already*

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