hermit elytra ideas

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working with the "every player's elytra design is unique to them", some ideas/headcanons for all the hermits (alsoit'spart168rnsoprepareyourselvesfor169-)

-starting off strong, False with dragonfly wings is popular concept and one i can certainly get behind

-Stress' could be curved butterfly wings with pointed tips that are ice-blue with a snowflake pattern on them and a transparent white film between the pattern

-for some reason i keep imagining Keralis with black butterfly wings with hot pink decal??? and like, im confused but i kinda like it

-Doc with some hella cool mechanical wings that fold and unfold and have red blinky-blinks and shit

-i feel like Mumbo's elytra is just the normal lavender color with a simple red ombre on the bottom and redstone particles fall from them when he flies

-i mean we could just give Tango demon wings but let's a little more creative, eh?

-Tango's elytra is dark red with a glowing orange that draw inward to make a flaming magma pattern and flicker with embers when he flies

-Zed's elytra is pure black with eyes of ender that are usually closed but open when his elytra spreads to fly, they also emit faint purple particles when they fly

-Impulse's are a dark gray translucent elytra with seem to shift and waver in the corner of your vision

-gee i wonder what Grian's elytra looks like hMMMMMMM-

-Iskall's elytra looks it's made of a sheet of ice and appears cracked in the middle spreading outwards, except the crack is a vibrant red

-Ren's elytra looks like wings that start out as a light cinnamon color then go down into a rich chocolate

-Cleo's elytra is a midnight black with a white pattern that make a skull and crossbones when they're not spread out

-Scar and Cub have pale blue elytras that appear tattered and ripped towards the bottom, though they work all the same, but they do have skeletal-like wings in their Vex mode

-Python has a dark red elytra that when folded/not flying, makes a seemingly glowing white upside-down triangle in the middle and it emits white sparks when flying

-Wels' elytra look like a pair of artificial wooden wings that are kinda steampunk style with gears and whatnot, and have a light gray film stringing between the wing's structure

-Jevin's elytra is transparent and appear like glass and sometimes reflect surfaces and light

-EX's elytra is completely transparent with a red outline and slash going through each wing, like a barrier block

-Xisuma's elytra is dark black with neon green coding on them, seeming to move and waver when hit with flying

-Joe's elytra is like two feathers that fold into the elytra wings and are soft to the touch

-BDub's elytra is currently just a normal lavender colored elytra though he sometimes changes out the color for different occasions

what would your elytra look like? mine would probably be wooden steampunk wings :P

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