Aim and the Hermits (one-shot/vent)

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sorry but tumblr discourse got me all riled up and self deprecating and i really need to cheer myself up so sorry if you dont want to see this but i just... uh sorry


Aim and Doc had known each other for a little while now, after Doc had tried to capture her for Area 77 and Aim nearly drowned him, so Doc felt it was time she met some of the other hermits.

"You really don't have to do this," Aim muttered, awkwardly following Doc as he dragged her by the arm. "I'm fine with being alone ya know-"

"Oh c'mon! Trust me!" Doc interrupted, grinning eagerly. "It'll be fun! We can all hang out, chat, screw around, just relax ya know?"

Aim sighed but didn't argue anymore, instead changing the subject. "What's your friend's name?"

"Rendog!" Doc replied, still dragging her over near the Hippies Commune. "Or I guess just Ren for short."

Although it wasn't noticeable, panic struck through Aim. She'd known who Ren was for a while now but he'd always concerned her for an irrational reason. She had nothing against him, it was just... those ears... and tail... and his name, had always entailed that he was part dog.

But she unfortunately had a fear of dogs. A rather irrational fear, but a fear nonetheless.

"Hey Doc!" Ren's voice called, the hermit landing semi-gracefully on the grass. "You said you wanted to show me something?"

"Yup!" Doc exclaimed, dragging Aim in front of him. "Meet my friend! Her name's Aim! Aim this is Ren!"

The noirette smiled awkwardly and waved. "Hello," she greeted politely, trying her best not to flinch away from him.

Ren stared at her for a moment before practically tackling her into a hug, making her flinch and nearly fall over. "It's so nice to meet you!" he exclaimed, smiling brightly.

"U-uh, nice to meet you too..." She stood awkwardly as he hugged her, not really wanting to screw something up and upset anyone.

"Calm down Ren," Doc chided, rolling his eyes playfully. "You just met her, give her some breathing room."

"Ah sorry!" Ren pulled away and smiled apologetically. "I'm just happy to see new people!"

Aim chuckled awkwardly. "I-It's fine. I've met other people who are similar..." She trailed off, not really wanting to talk too much and simultaneously wanting to put more distance between her and Ren.

"Are you okay Aim?" Doc asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "You're not usually this uh... awkward? I guess?" (cha cha real smooth Doc)

She looked down, grimacing. "I'm just nervous," she explained quietly, desperately wanting to run as far away from the awkwardness.

"There's no need to be nervous!" Ren replied, smiling with kind eyes. "We don't bite!"

But you might- She bit back the silent comment and sighed. This was gonna be a while.

"You ever think you would eat a lemon?" Zed asked, staring up at the night sky. "Like just, a raw slice of a lemon?"

"Depends on what's getting bet" Aim muttered, absentmindedly making patterns among the stars. "And I've done it before, so probably."

"Wait what?!" Zed shot up from where he was lying, looking down with a confused stare. "You've eaten a lemon before?!"

Aim shrugged, not getting up from where she was lying comfortably on the grass. "Yeah. Wasn't that bad in all honestly."

Zed stuck out his tongue and screwed up his eyes, utterly repulsed. "That disgusting! Was is it super sour?"

"Not really," Aim explained, heaving herself up to properly meet Zed's gaze. "It's tastes like a lemon just without the excessive sourness. Although it does have the texture of an orange so it's all slimy and gross." This time it was Aim's turn to stick out her tongue in disgust.

The blonde in front of her stared wide-eyed, smiling in bewildered admiration. "You've gotta try it with me some day."

EX and Aim sat awkwardly next to each other, chatting idly but both being anti-social messes at the same time.

"You're pretty lucky to have a boyfriend," Aim commented. "I'd never trust someone enough to get one."

The albino shrugged. "It's not really trust," he explained. "I just kinda... fell for him ya know? I didn't fully trust him, still kinda don't, but I do love him. It's strange."

Realizing what he said, EX blushed with embarrassment and coughed awkwardly. "I-I mean, I do trust him, it's just-"

"No no, I get what you mean," Aim interrupted, tilting her head slightly. "You're close to him, even if you don't fully trust him. That makes perfect sense, even if it sounds slightly strange out loud, it is logical."

"I guess." EX huffed and leaned back on his arms, looking up at the amber and pink streaked sky. "You remind me a lot of Joe. You're both so understanding and calm, even if my emotions are a fuc- I mean fricking train wreck."

Aim chuckled lightly. "You could say that. Although I'd say Joe is much better than I could ever be." She let herself flop back on the surface behind her, letting out a sigh of relief. "Least he's actually got some confidence..."

"You've got confidence!" EX argued, looking down at her in surprise. "Maybe not Ren or Grian level confidence, but you're not just a, I guess you could say, hermit!"

She laughed at the accidentally joke. "Technically speaking, I am not a hermit! And technically speaking, Ren and Grian are more of hermits than I!"

The two laughed at the jokes and continued making stupid puns about the word hermit, any awkward tension forgotten.


*kicks down the door* sorry if ya'll didnt want to see this, im just tired and needed to vent after all the stupid fucking discourse i've seen on tumblr (which is my fault for being on there in the first place :/ )

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