i've been told some possible cursed stuff

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so i've been told that apparently, in canon, Impulse is the least blunt of the ZIT trio and Zed is the bluntest... my life is a lie and now i have too many ideas for shy Impulse goddamn it-

so yes, here is some shy Impulse stuff

-pssshhhh shy school girl Impulse has me dead

-Impulse being the shortest, Zed being in the middle, Tango being the tallest

-Impulse being carried around by Zed or Tango has me aHHHHHHHH-

-i headcanon Zed as being the smol and bby one but if i give that role to Impulse-

-bby Impulse being snuggled against Zed

-damnit now this has me shipping just Impulse x Zed-

-canonically, Zed is taller than Impulse and Tango I believe

sorry i just *wheeze* i can't imagine Impulse being this shy thing, but i mainly can't imagine Zed being blunt

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