Valid Things (vent)

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after about 5 hours of scrolling through tumblr after pulling an all-nighter, i'd like to share some very valid things (regarding hermitcraft)

1) Ships. Ships, as long as boundaries of the real people are respected, are extremely valid! Most ships are very valid as long as everyone respects each other.

2) LGBTQ+ headcanons. Even though I am a straight cis female (i think), I absolutely love seeing LGBTQ+ headcanons. It especially makes me smile seeing people include asexual or aromantic headcanons as those subcategories are very underrated! LGBTQ+ headcanons are extremely valid as long as everyone respects each other

3) Unusual friendships. I adore seeing or writing about unusual friendships that people may or may not have considered before! When reading fanfiction, especially ones involving shipping, it's pretty rare for me to see friendships other than the already very closely established ones we have in the Hermitcraft fandom. You do not understand how much I love writing interactions between people like Joe and Python, or Mumbo and EX, or literally anything like that! Unusual friendships are very valid.

4) Focusing on smaller friendships. This is another thing I don't see much in Hermitcraft fanfictions. Like okay, we get Mumbo and Grian are best friends, but what about Ren and False? Don't they have a pretty good friendship (from what i've gathered)? I love seeing and writing about smaller friendships that tend to get pushed to the side even though they are very valid and/or canon. Focusing on smaller friendships is very valid.

5) Every hermit. It doesn't matter if one hermit has the least amount of subs, they are not any less valid than the other hermits. It doesn't matter if one hermit has the most amount of subs, they are not the most valid person on the server. Every hermit is valid.

6) You. You, the reader, are very valid. You're all very near and dear to my heart and I want you all to know that I love you. You are the reason I want to continue writing. You are the reason I want to continue doing what I love. You make me feel validated and loved. I hope you all know how much I do really love you. No matter what your gender is, no matter who you love, I love you. You are valid.

an appreciation post and lowkey vent because im tired :')


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