Blank (one-shot)

638 20 3

Imagine waking up and not being able to remember anything.

You know how to speak, how to read, how to write, but you don't remember how you learned them. You just know.

All that fills your mind is an empty void that holds nothing. No memories, no trauma, nothing. Just void.

Then suddenly, you're surrounded by people who you've... met before. You don't know how you met them but you recognize them. Maybe some of them you don't know well, they just have a familiar voice and face. Then some of them are... friends?

Friends pulled from memories.

Snippets of scenes begin to play in your mind, flicking through so quickly you can hardly register what they're about. But these people you remember.

But they're all you can remember.

Imagine how he felt.

Imagine how she felt.

Imagine how they all felt.



i've been reading Eggs and Soldiers by RaeTheStar and it gave me some inspiration for this very short one-shot

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