my old hermit misconceptions

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i've done this once a long time ago, but there's a bunch more people reading now so why not do it again?

basically, things i very much misconceived about the hermits

-starting off strong, before i saw any actual pictures of him, i thought Iskall with dirty blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail

-Ren had overalls because i kept forgetting that his straps weren't overalls

-Tango was very misconceived with blonde hair, bright orange eyes, white and orange striped t-shirt, black pants, and no demon features because i thought he was a v soft boi from his name (boy was i super fucking wrong-)

-Cleo had blonde hair and no flower crown

-i was reading MightyWolf's Wizard of Oz AU and that was the first time i ever saw Python being described so i unfortunately just imagined him as a tiny red snake with little wings-

-Stress had dark blueish-cyan hair, yellow eyes, and a pink t-shirt

-Cub had dark brown hair, no beard, and bear ears

-Scar had hair that went like mid-way down his neck, no hat, dark brown shirt, and dark cyan/blackish pants

-Doc was literally just him but replace the creeper parts with normal human skin (also his normal eye was just dark gray/black)

-i don't remember what i thought Zed looked like, but all i can say is i was slightly disappointed with his actual outfit

-Jevin had his same outfit, blonde hair, normal human skin, dark gray/black eyes, and a little blue slime buddy on his shoulder that would cover parts of him

-i kinda forgot but i think Xisuma had blonde hair and casual-ish clothes?? like a dark cyan shirt and jeans or something???

-i didn't include everyone here because some of the old appearances looked basically the same as the actual ones lol

-and to end it beautifully, here is what Joe looked like: brown hair, black glasses, dark gray/black eyes, open tan trenchcoat, dark brown t-shirt, black belt with vertical rainbow stripes, black pants, different colored wristbands, and golden watch

r.i.p Joe for taking the brunt of my terrible imagination lol

me trying to figure out a future scene for Rulebreakers: so then he could say, "Why're you in our swamp-"
my brain: wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg In My SwAmP?!

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