Collin Where are You?

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So in this oneshot Collin will talk to Bri about the others fighting again. Austin will the say something that makes Collin leave into the ocean. After a week everyone goes scuba diving lookin for him.

Collins POV
"Bri I'm telling you I can't deal with them. One more thing and I might explode!" "Collin if they usually do this they won't stop especially since they are now fighting over me." I sghed and kicked a chair. "Let all your anger out Collin." "I just can't take it anymore. I try to be the calm brother but they keep making me angry. Why can't they stop fighting?" "Brothers fight all the time. They will get over it." I just nodded. Someone busted the door down. We saw Seek and Austin. "Collin I thought you didn't like Bri why are you alone in your bedroom with her?" "She is my bestfriend and helps me stay calm!" I yelled at Austin. "Well then leave she doesn't want you!" That's it. I kicked everyone out including Bri. I grabbed a suitcase and packed everything I needed. "Hey Collin dinner is done." Seek called out. I went down took my dinner and other snacks in the house back in my room. I eat my food and put the rest of the snacks in my suitcase. After everyone was asleep I escaped into the water.

Seek POV
After Collin didn't eat with us I was kinda concerned. I secretly hid in the living room to see if I can talk to Collin. I saw Collin's door open. I look over and see him with a suitcase. Is he leaving us did Austin really make him that mad? I was going to chase after him but I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to the sound of Bri and Austin yelling. "What is going on?" "Have you seen Collin he is missing." "No." I lied. Collin will be back I know it.

~A week later~
Maybe I should tell them. "Guys a week ago I saw Collin leave with a suitcase I figured he needed time to himself so I let him leave." "This is all your fault Seek!" This made me mad. I left to go find Collin. I ran to the water and grabbed my scuba gear. I jumoed in looking for him. I saw him by the water temple.

Austin POV
Seek has been gone for awhile. "You know Austin what if he left since you said for him to leave." "No Collin knows I'm joking." "He was really mad and that might of sent him overboard." I sighed and we went to the water. We put oj our scuba gear and I looked at the water with hatred. "Lets go lava boy." I just pouted at the name and jumped in. Why is it so cold? I saw Seek and Collin hugging by the water temple. Me and Bri went over to them. "Hey Collin." He just looked at me mad. He then whispered something to Seek. "Hey guys Collin is mad that Austin told him to leave. He wishes to not see him ever." That hurt my feeling when Seek told us that. O went over and hugged them both. "I'm sorry Collin I am such an idiot. I should of realized you were mad." "It's okay Austin I forgive you." We all hugged it out until we heard a camera go off. We look over and saw Bri taking a picture. It's been a day after that. The picture Bri took was in a frame that says, 'Bestfriends are we my brother and me.'

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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