Mario x Nad pt 2

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Will be short since I dont know where to go with this. Now onto the oneshot.

Mario POV
Ever since I got with Nad high-school has been amazing. Apparently the Aphrodite dance is coming up. I hope Nad asks me. I walk into school and instantly see people gathered around Riccaro. I go up to Lychee and ask, "What's going on?" "Riccaro is going to sing a song to ask Momiji to the dance." Awe thats so cute I hope Nad does something spectacular. He begins to sing when Momiji appears. She ends up saying yes and kissed Riccaro. I look around but didn't see Nad. "Where is he?" "Where is who?" I look over and see Iroh. "Oh Hi Iroh I'm looking for my boyfriend." "Oh he didn't come to school today Seek said something about him getting sick." My poor baby must feel bad. I go to my classes. It's boring without having Nad with me. I hope he is okay.

I hate that I got sick. I had an extravagant plan on asking Mario to the dance. "Why must I get sick out of all people." I was laying down when I hear something come through my window. "Hey love!" I look over and see Mario. "Classes over?" "Mhm I have come to take care of you." "But what if you get sick?!" I don't want Mario to get sick. "Just go to sleep and I will prepare some soup." I nodded and fell into a dream state.

Mario POV
I saw a banner that had will you light up my night at the Aphrodite Dance on the front. "He was going to ask me?" I go down and make him some soup undetected. I go back up to Nad's room and wake him up. "Here you go Nad also yes I will go to the dance with you." "Y-You saw?" "Yea." "Well atleast you said yes *ACHOO*" He sneezed. "Ewww snot!!" "Shut up love!" I laugh and kiss him. "NO you're going to get sick I infected you!" He started to sulk and I just giggled.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

Origins of Olympus Season 1 and 2 oneshots pt 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now