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So in this oneshot Bryan's moms come to visit him. His human mom is French. I only am doing French since I speak it. Aphrodite is also there talking to her girlfriend. Now onto the oneshot. Also everything Lune says will be French but her thoughts will be in english.

Lune POV (this was my name in French class and it stands for moon)
Me and Aphrodite were walking to the camp her son attended. We already visited Bri now we must see Bryan. I hope he remembers me. "Is something wrong dear?" I look at Aphrodite and say, "Je suis bien sulement inquiète." (I'm fine just worried.) "There's no need to be worried. I bet he will remember you." "Tu es sûr? Bri oublier moi." (Are you sure? Bri forgot me.) "I'm sure about it." Aphrodite smiled at me and kissed my cheek. We enter camp and I instantly see Bryan. Everyone looks confused until they see Aphrodite. "Hi guys I'm here to see my son and I brought his other mother with." Bryan looked at me and said, "Hi what's your name?" "Dire tu il oublier moi." (I told you he forgot about me) "I'm sorry sweetie I thought he would remember." I start to cry and everyone looks confused. "She is upset since both her kids don't remember her even though she was the one who took care of you most." "I'm sorry I don't remember you. But what's your name?" "Je suis Lune." "Huh?" "Her name is Lune she can understand English she just can't speak it." They made an O sound." "I cna speak French!" A red dude said. "Well Riccaro translate for us." Bryan said. Riccaro came up to me. Bryan then said, "May I ask you questions?" I nodded but Aphrodite interferes. "Lune I have to go to work I will come back to pick you up later." "Au revoir je t'adore." (Bye I love you) I said blowing a kiss. "I love you to sweetie!" I turn back to them ans Bryan then said, "So questions?" I nodded and let him ask his questions. "Why can you only speak French?" My smile falls and I look upset. "You dont have to tell us if you don't want to." I took a breath and said, "Je suis maudit." (I am cursed) "What did she say Riccaro?" "She said she is cursed." Everyone gasped. "Who cursed you?" "Diabolos." "Who is Diabolos?" "Il est le Diable." (He is the devil) "She said Diabolos is the devil." "The devil cursed you?" I nodded and Bryan asked, "Why did he curse you." I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote in messy cursive. I gave it to Riccaro and he read it. "The note says it's because she wasnt able to have kids so in order to have you and Bri she made a deal with the devil." Bryan looked upset and hugged me. "I'm sorry I don't remember you but everything you done to keep me and Bri alive. I love you." I smiled and hugged him. I spent the rest of the time with Bryan and Riccaro being my translator. Aphrodite came and picked me up. I waved bye and we left back home.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

Origins of Olympus Season 1 and 2 oneshots pt 2 *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now