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So in this oneshot Magnus is trying to get Solis or Inpu a makeover. They both say no and run. This makes Magnus upset but Riccaro helps them feel better. Now onto the oneshot.

Magnus POV
I was walking out my room when I saw my brother and Solis. Maybe they want to spend time with me. I dont really wanna be alone. "Hey guys!" I said the looked at me and waved. "Do you guys want me to give you a makeover?" They both looked scared. "No thank you Magnus I have to go see Bryan." Inpu then left. "Solis what about you?" "Sorry Magnus this is time me and scar can go on a walk without Inou yelling at us." I just sighed as he left. I guess no one wants to hang out with me. I go down and sit on the couch crying. All of a sudden I feel a hug.

Riccaro POV
I was hoppity skippity all the way to dad's cabin. I knocked on the door and he opened. "Hey dad can you come hang out with me?" "Sorry Riccaro I really can't. Maybe some other time." I just nodded and headed on my way. I saw Lychee and ran up to him. "Hey Riccaro!" "Hey middle bro do you want to hangout?" "Sorry little bro I need to go see someone real quick." "Okay be safe!" Maybe I could go and see if Davis wants to hang. I head over to the pyramid and heard crying. I look in and see Magnus crying. I go up to them and hug them. They looked surprised but hugged back. "What's wrong Magnus?" "I had a bad dream and I didn't want to be alone so I asked Inpu and Solis if they wanted me to do a makeover on them. They were both busy and didn't want to." "What's a makeover?" "Well kinda when you change how you look." "Well we can hang out all my friends are busy too. So we can do that makeover thing since that sounds fun!" "Really you want to hang out with me?" "Yup!" They get up and start to head to their room. I stayed here like they told me to. They came down with outfits and different make up if I am correct. "Okay so pick an outfit out." I look at the option and pick a jean jacket, tanktop, and some black ripped jeans." "Wow you actually have fashion sense unlike Solis and Inpu." They said impressed. I then sit down in front of them and they started to put makeup on me. "And done! How does it look?" I look in the mirro and smile. "I LOOK AMAZING!" They just laughed and we continued to hang out.

Magnus POV
Who would of known that Riccaro and me would get along. He's like the son I never had. "So what do you wanna do know?" "We can go get some icecream." I suggested. "Okay best friend!" Did he just call me his best friend? We head on to the mess hall and began to eat icecream laughing and hanging out. I wish Solis and Inpu would be like this.

Inpu POV
I was going to the mess hall since I was kinda hungry. I feel bad I lied to Magnus but I didn't want to have makeup on me. I see Xylo walking there to. "Hey Xylo!" "Hey Inpu have you seen Riccaro?" I shook my head and we both entered the mess hall. We were both surprised to see Riccaro and Magnus hanging out. "Hey Magbus you okay?" "Yea I made a new best friend!" Magnus said overly happy. What did Riccaro do to them? "Hi dad! Magnus did a makeover on me!" "I see Riccaro well we can hang out know." "NO! Me and Magnus were about to go and watch a movie." Magnus nods and leaves. "Magnus don't you want to hang out?" "Go hang out with Bryan. They both left. Me and Xylo were confused on what just happened.

Author POV
While Momiji is silently getting jealous the Riccaro is playing with Magnus tail.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot.

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