Trial of Ares again

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So this is going to another Areas challenge except this time you can use powers. Riccaro learned how to control lightning, mini tornados, and fire balls. Everyone will either be scared or impressed. Now onto the oneshot.

Riccaro POV
I heard there is going to be a second trial of Ares. This time who ever beats Xylo gets the win. Everyone is training like crazy. I was training by myself since no one wanted to train with me. I so far learned fire balls and a mini tornado. I already knew how to control lightning even though it scares me a lot. I heard a bell and realized the trial was about to start. I head to the arena and saw dad wearing a crown. We all sat down in the stands. I sat next to Davis and Momiji. Kay comes up and says, "Who ever can defeat Xylo will win the trials." Xylo then came up next to Kay and said, "Who is worthy of taking the crown?" Everyone startes whispering except for me. "Ay little bro you okay?" "Yea I'm just not talking so I dont tell any of my strategies." "Oh you're smart little bro." The trail started. People tried but failed. I was going last the reason for that was cause they put the weakest last. But I will win that crown. "Riccaro it is your turn." I go down and stand infront of dad. "Are you ready son so far no one has beaten me." "I am ready." I said confidently. I let him attack first. If I watched smart then he should go straight for hitting me with the sword. I can use my fire ball to knock his sword out his hand. As I expected I used a fireball and knocked the blade out of his hand taking it in mine. "Smart you were watching my fights intensely." "Of course I did I want to win. But dont think me talking is going to distract me." I turned around and punched Xylo. "Okay Riccaro someone did their training." I shot a fire ball and hit him. I then made a mini tornado trappi g him in it. I used lightning to end it but I started to cry from the loud noise. I ended up covering my ears. After it was gone Kayla said, "Egyption pantheon got 1 point Riccaro beats Xylo!" Everyone is shocked. I go out and Soren kinda looks at me angrily. I avoid him completely. Davis came and looked proud. "Little bro you did good." Xylo came up to me. "You fought well son here is the crown. Good job." He hugged me and put the crown on my head. Soren came up to me. "You better not hurt anyone with your powers or I will kill you." I didn't say anything and nodded.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next oneshot. If I get reauest slow it's because I'm watching demon slayer.

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