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"Cedric fucking Diggory!" I exclaimed when I saw my familiar friend down by the pitch. I let go of Marco's arm and when Cedric turned around, smiling as his eyes landed on us, I ran towards him.

I threw my arms around his neck and he yelped at the force of me throwing myself at him. Still, he wrapped his arm around me and lifted me off the ground, spinning me around once before putting me down again.

"You're happy today." He chuckled and looked down at me, then at Marco who slowly approached us. "Did you spike the pizza when my dad wasn't looking?"

"Oh yeah." Marco nodded. "Had some speed left and decided that Allie needed some of that. It's not like she's not already energetic enough."

I let go of Ced and took a big step back, looking between the two before I scoffed. Of course they were gonna gang up on me. They always do and they think it's so funny.

Fucking idiots.

"I met the Weasleys today— oh, and Potter and Granger." Cedric told us. "We traveled here together with portkey. They had no idea how to land properly. It was hilarious."

Marco, Cedric and I hadn't always been friends. As I've mentioned, Marco and I met the first night we started at Hogwarts and we've been friends ever since. Our friendship with Cedric though, started in our third year after a Quidditch match where Hufflepuff lost to Ravenclaw.

"What? Landing is easy!" Marco explained. "It's all about the balance."

This could go on for a while.

While Marco and Cedric discussed how to travel with portkey, I sat down in the grass and folded my legs. I leaned back on my hands, looking up at the two of them with a bored expression.

Right now I'd prefer to have them babying me, than sitting here while they could talk about portkeys for hours at a time.

I fake-yawned loudly, earning their attention. Both of them looked at me, then exchanged a glance and when they looked at me again, they were both grinning devilishly.

"Oh—" I muttered. "No, guys. What're you—"

Cedric grabbed a hold of my ankles while Marco rushed to grab under my arms. I shrieked loudly when they decided to lift me up. They exchanged another glance of mischief and then they started moving, carrying me.

"Put me down!" I yelled at them, trying to kick my legs free. "What are you doing? You're so annoying! What are you—"

As quick as they had picked me up, as quick they let go of me and I screamed when my body splashed into the water of a small stream. I gasped when I realized what they had just done, and while the two of them broke into laughter, I looked around confused until my eyes landed on them.

"Oh, I am so gonna murder the both of us!" I exclaimed as they high-fived at the way they completely succeeded in throwing me in a stream of a water.

I hate them.

I swear I do.

"Oh c'mon, Allie." Cedric laughed. "You have to admit that was fun."

I pulled myself up to stand, my body dripping with water as I was completely and utterly soaked.

Then I let out a small chuckle and folded my arms over my chest.

"There was literally no reason for you to throw me in the water." I told him. "You're being awfully childish."

I couldn't even use magic to dry myself because I wasn't seventeen yet. I was still sixteen and you're not allowed to do magic outside of school when you're not of age.

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